
Nope, nothing fancy.

Optics, Op-dicks?

Now playing

Whew! Good thing you didn’t say the 80's because that’s when his finest work was done in ‘Bachelor Party!’

Still joyriding that thing!

Where did you eat for heavens sake?

Managed parking garages in Chicago when I first came out of school. My buddy I wore the full valet uni for a Halloween party one year to a friends house in the ‘burbs. We stayed out front for 30 mins and not one person refused to give us their keys....

I don’t think this one was ever published....

Main mistake, red shirt guy did not realize he was messing with a Lefty...

Let’s check back in January, shall we. Seriously.

Yes, but apparently Yale does have a terrible president, as well....

Growing up we routinely fit a family of 7 in a GREMLIN. I never thought it was huge deal. Being the youngest, I was shoved in the back, on the tire, and with one my sisters.

And the horse’s face in Alex’s crotch.

Oiselle is a women’s fitness apparel company. Good to see some of their athletes making it to Rio (am I in trouble now for saying ‘Rio’?). USATF and USOC are wholly owned subsidiaries of NIKE (joking, kind of...), so they will put the screws to the competitors as much as they want.

Oh to be bike handlebars..

Rough flying ANAL caused some baggage to shift....

Pretty much my first thought. If this doesn’t outright promote drinking and driving, I’m not sure what does.

Montano a drama queen. You fell, and not injured so get off the track or jog in. Don’t kneel and cry. The evidence is clear she ran right up the back of Martinez, no doubt! She tried to go on the outside of Martinez while going in between Martinez an the tall blonde. Horrible racing tactics all around for Montano and