
I’ll be marching with my daughter in London, UK.


Abortion is not a hot topic in the UK. We’re not a particularly religious country and while abortion does occasionally come up in policy conversation, it's normally from a medical perspective rather than a moral one. There was some talk about requiring women to go for counselling before one a few years ago but that

Wow this is an old thread! Funny you should ask; I went to university and decided to put the third child on hold semi permanently. Well, in January I found out I was pregnant, and then at the 12 week scan it turned out to be twins! I just finished my first year of uni and now I'm taking a year out. Will return next

Thanks! I'm 32 weeks and wish I was dead, but like I can't wish for them to be out because then the real crazy begins.

Sadly airlines do stop you flying after a certain point. I'm pregnant with twins and no airline will take me after 30 weeks. So this summer is boring and shitty with no holiday, but at least I won't go end up like this lady I guess.

I'm sure it's beautiful but I'm not kidding. My husband got robbed at gunpoint there and a good friend of mine had her leg broken in a mugging/attempted kidnapping. Put me right off going tbh

Here I was thinking it was an essential local custom, like drinking caprinhas on the beach!

Every single person I know who has been to Rio got robbed at gunpoint. It seems to be a thing there.

I drive past this place sometimes and it’s incredible. Thanks for showing what it looks like on the inside, now I don’t need to visit because it apparently stinks like crap.

Human Traffic was the perfect depiction of British rave culture in the late 90's/early 00's. It sucked but was amazing because well, we’d all been there!

Conversation with my kid when she was around 4 or 5:

There is currently a measles outbreak at my daughters school because of this man and people like him. Fucking vaccinate your kids you shit heads.

I cannot believe im already nostalgic for David Cameron, and a time when he and Gideon were the biggest assholes in Government. We didn't realize how good we had it!!

I mean we in the UK aren't winning any prizes right now either. Thank god we don't have guns, that's all I can say

Do you mean the English? Because Scots are British.

Sadiq Kahn is the best. Can you imagine Boris Johnson giving a shit about body positivity? He's too busy finding attention seeking ways to ruin the UK economy. I'm so glad Sadiq won, I think I love him a little bit. Please don't turn out to be a secret asshole Sadiq!

Try Rivals. Set in the TV industry in the 80's. It's amazing.

That book set in the school was horrible! It also has a subplot about government workers abusing kids in a children’s home- which is a real life news story that keeps popping up in the UK. WHAT DID YOU KNOW JILLY???