
I’ll make sure myself and my 4 children stay home at all times in future unless we can engage an escort.

Poor baby 😢 Enjoy prison fucker.

Shut up! The more you know. I'll be on guard in future

I don’t think sharks are very common in the Med

I have 2 children, the youngest is out of nappies, sleeping through the night, in nursery. I’m beginning a career and got a dog. Life is getting easier. Then I find out, surprise! I'm pregnant! And surprise! It's twins! I'm 18 weeks now and I wish I was dead. People keep congratulating me and I just roll my eyes at

I just did a debate at uni on this very issue- the ethics and efficacy of paying women to stop smoking in pregnancy.

I'm amazed he's even capable. The guy can barely talk in sentences

Yup. Thats how people from London talk, unless you're posh. White and black.

I looked it up and all surgical abortions over 15 weeks in the UK are done under general anaesthetic, in which case the foetus would be fully anaesthetised anyway just like the woman. So that’s not the case in the U.S.?

This is all very stupid

If a woman is given an opiate like morphine or pethedine, it certainly passes to the fetus. An epidural wouldn’t. The idea of injecting a fetus directly with painkillers is ridiculous. I’ve been at a medical termination at 20 weeks. You give pills to the mother that ‘kills’ the fetus (mifepristone, works by blocking

Plus, the animals look awesome! Win win

Ha I did this too. My second was born on 3rd Jan, and my husbands birthday is on the 9th. We left the baby with my mum and went out for dinner and drinks and it was amazing. The only problem was that introducing a bottle so soon made breastfeeding difficult so I hope this lady avoids that pitfall.


If Lily Allen, with all her fame, money and connections can’t get the police to take her case seriously then what hope is there for anyone else? I just read about her story today and it’s terrifying. The guys stalked her for years and even broke into her house and threatened her.

So shiny

I thought that chav came from the gypsy word chavvy which means child or youth?

My excuse is I’m pregnant with twins, I’ve got 2 kids and a dog and I work 12 hour days. I’m proud of myself if I can keep down a meal and make it up the stairs to bed. Good for you fit mums. Leave me the fuck alone.

My daughter has just turned 7 and I bought her a box of Ramona books for her birthday. I remember loving them as a kid. Reading them now, it's amazing to me how little actually happens in them, as an adult reader they even seem a little boring to me but my daughter adores them and they are the first chapter books she

Twitter is so weird. Does she know these people asking her invasive personal questions about her love life, or is she discussing that shit with random strangers for everyone to see and WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??