
I saw Jude Law at a Pixies concert in London. He looked like he was on ecstasy 

Sounds like she had chorioamnionitis, normally caused by an untreated UTI. I’m guessing she had no antenatal care. This is why we test your urine. So sad and so avoidable. I think it’s a harsh indictment of our medical system that women are prepared to put their lives at risk like this in order to avoid a hospital

Maternity leggings. Jumper/Tshirt dresses. Fin

If you like pyjamas as daywear you need to get into jumpsuits. I never wear anything else now. Dressed up onesies for life!

I cried like a baby. It’s so good

Sounds like a dig at UKIP and their voters to me. The Tories don’t want UKIP to split the right wing vote. Like these people would ever do anything that wasn’t completely self serving.

New on Instagram (I is old) and tried to follow what I THOUGHT was Kylie Minogue-turned out to be Jenner and I was highly disappointed

Thank you! Head down, keep going right? At least they can’t move around yet, then I’ll be truly screwed!

Why does this asshole keep getting invited to speak at Universities? It’s ridiculous!

Exactly! I washed my daughters after she wet the bed (who pisses as far up as the pillow?!) and it went lumpy and I had to throw it away. Maybe they have to be proper feather pillows.

I have 4 month twins. Breastfeeding one right now. They’re adorable but it totally sucks

I don’t know if you’ve seen this article yet but it strikes me as the most plausible and realistic prediction of the Trump presidency. On the bright side- no mention of nuclear war! On the negative side, the only thing that will stop it is a thoughtful, engaged and moral/ non cynical population https://www.theatlantic.

No I wouldn’t have sex with him, being English the accent doesn’t do it for me in the same way.

I know Jared Kushners cousin. Her family were part of the badass Jewish resistance group that lived in the forest in Belarus; they made a film about it called Defiance starring Jamie Bell and I think Daniel Craig? I remember way back when she said her cousin was marrying Ivanka Trump but she wasn’t going (she lives in

I’m sure it’s totally annoying, but not more annoying than living under a quasi fascist regime! We do it for them. Gonna call his golf course in Scotland tomorrow!

Please can we talk about the bit hidden at the bottom, that since Trump is refusing to divest from his businesses it is totally legit to call his hotels or golf courses with your concerns? If that ties up their switchboards and reception desks permanently for the next 4 years so no customer can get through, costing

Wonderful. So my country has not only pretty much singlehandedly destabilized the whole of Europe just when we need it most, but now we’re going to be the first to legitimize Trump’s fascist regime, and if we can sell off our precious NHS to America for the privilege of being its fucking lapdog, so much the better.

It’s disgusting

Took us nearly 2 hours to get from Bond Street to grosvenor sq. It did move in the end though. They were’nt expecting anywhere near those numbers and had to stop it for a while to filter people through

I was there too! They estimate 100,000 people. It was great. My kids learned some new chants, their favourite was ‘we don’t want your tiny hands anywhere near our underpants’