
I also wondered if she may have been one of the girls kidnapped from that school. I just hope and pray that she didn't know what was happening to her. As to why there hasn't been more attention paid..I'd really like to think that the answer isn't because all the victims are neither white nor western. But that's

You are right, we are all told that lack of commitment and dedication is the worst thing for us- we need to persevere and see it through! It should be ok to say, you know what? I chose wrong and now I'm stopping. I know everyone in my life (well mainly my mother) would think I was a huge flake if I did that though.

Is she tall? I'm a midget and looked 3 months pregnant immediately.

If there is anything more despicable and cowardly than this...grown men too pussy to go to their own deaths they have to send a baby to do their mass murder for them. I fucking hope there's a god and I fucking hope there's a hell and I fucking hope they burn in it forever

I have 2 friends who didn't know until 5 months. 1 chose to abort, 1 had the baby despite having a heavy prenatal diet of cocaine and booze. Son is 9 now and completely perfect. Our bodies are crazy and amazing.

I think you have to be a bit insane to do that to yourself deliberately. Yeah, you'd cope because you had to. But it is not a smart move.

Thank you for this. That actually helps a lot. Good luck to you

Easy. Drinking half a bottle of spirits at age 12 and falling down stairs and knocking my front teeth out. half my class at school was at the party and witnessed it. Monday was the worst.

That is good advice and honestly, I think I would feel the most regret over not having a 3rd child. Because I will never be in as good a position for a university place as I am now, and places are funded and therefore highly highly competitive. But, I could do the degree at a later date. I'm kind of leaving it up to

nah you're golden

10,000 lives in a year. Ten thousand. In one year. And this is a fringe news story.

Oh dear. I was kind of hoping maybe it wasn't so huge and I have been stressing unnecessarily. But yeah. It is kinda.

A timely article for me. I'm currently applying for an intense university degree that will lead to my ideal career. But that will mean probably giving up on the idea of having a 3rd child, something I always wanted. By the time I finish and work long enough to get maternity leave, I'll be oldish, will be a massive gap

Thanks for clearing up the difference between Muslims and Arabs, ditto Muslims and extremists. I live in one of the most densely populated Islamic areas in London. Every single one of my neighbours is Muslim. I don't need that spelled out for me.

We put non legal limitations on speech and press all the time. If Charlie Hebdo were publishing cartoons featuring black people as monkeys, or Jewish propaganda similar to the Nazi's, would people still be defending it? These types of racist cartoons are very similar in nature to some of the Islamic ones. The Boko

I am not blaming them for their deaths. They did not deserve to die. But I don't endorse their work and I don't believe freedom of speech to be limitless. I can criticise their work and still condemn the attack.

I don't think the two situations are comparable. But ok.

Ok. IN MY OPINION the cartoons that they drew were not worth it. Did they draw them bexcuse they really, truly had something that they needed to say? Or was it because they could. Because they wanted to show how big their balls were. Those images were designed to offend and provoke. They weren't important and they

I think comedians should think twice before they make a joke. Not because that joke could get them into trouble, but because their jokes that are on the borders of free speech issues should contribute something to the conversation. They should have and make a point. If they don't, then maybe that joke doesn't need to