
I am so happy that this man is real. You made my day.

I love this article

Idris Elba is English


You mean you aren't grateful for these old white men telling you how you're doing female wrong?

Mark. No.

That fucking Rolling Stone article. The assholes responsible have done so much damage.

Precisely. Women's rights in the workplace, or objectification/infantilism in the western media is not as important as girls in Pakistan being shot in the head for going to school, or women being banned from driving in Saudi Arabia. But they are on the same spectrum; we in the west are on the thin end of the wedge

well to be fair, doesn't every Christian think that?

Lost it to the town manwhore at 16. He was older by a few years. His mum walked in (great start) but we carried on, and afterwards he said, and I quote, "that was shit." The sex, not the interruption. Last I heard he was in prison. I'm just grateful he didn't give me an std.


Ugh, I forgot about John Warboys. I was just thinking why don't they just get a black cab, those guys are pros.

If anything happens to Jackie then both Rolling Stone and this sewer dweller will have blood on their hands. I hope her friends and family are supporting her. I can't even comprehend being violently assaulted and then called a liar in the press.

That is an immensely powerful image, and Malala is such an important voice and symbol. You can't fight ignorance, hate and fear with guns and bombs. The only thing that can beat a bad idea is a better idea. Malala both speaks and represents that. I wish so many good things for her; she is the ultimate in bravery.

I have this! Expensive but oh so worth it

He rocks and if you own his CD then you do too

Is this NY? Much better calibre of subway performer than I am used to. That was some serious busking.

The thing is, Farage is very convincing. He speaks people's language as opposed to political rhetoric. He appeals to the man on the street.

This news makes me happy. I'd be heartbroken if he was secretly fucking the interns

See, I normally don't mind him. He's kind of my type. But the public semi rape? I will not be watching that movie.