
ohmygodilovethisfilmsomuch. Oooooh I love to dance a little sidestep.

If the procedure is anything like Macrolane, avoid avoid avoid. I speak from painful, uneven and expensive experience.

My cats are both British shorthairs, one blue, one silver tabby. They are doglike in their affection, love to play and are very very loyal. They've never scratched, even when being tormented by toddlers. some breeds are definitely more doglike than others.

Phone and computer gone. Grounded until trust is restored. He could use that extra time volunteering. I'd sign him up for a women studies course too. And a written apology to the woman in question, and he'd better make it sincere.

I heart everything about this. Brah fucking oh

WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? AND I saw on Facebook that my sister hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for her friends, none of which are American. What the fuck is going on? Are we doing this now?

Are you me? I went to see the Committments west end show last week and at the end they get the audience up on their feet and FORCE them to dance. I was literally the only one in the theatre that refused to stand. My husband is looking daggers at me, but you know what? Fuck you. The show wasn't good and I didn't want

I agree, and in this case the men were convicted, so I'm guessing the jury didn't buy it.

I don't think any of these shots are sexual or sexualised. I don't have a problem with prepubescent girls being topless (or adults either at that). I know I ran around on the beach topless until I had something to show.

I am considering applying for medicine next year. I'm kind of shitting it though. I don't know what would be worse, not getting in, or actually getting a place! Sorry you didn't get the place you wanted. Are you going to reapply?

I'm glad I started this conversation because there are lots of different points of view and some interesting comments. It seems that some people within the legal profession wish there were more ethics in the defence system. I wonder if there might be a gender divide between those who think calling a victims background

I mean, I don't know, but I guess if there is no doubt of sex having taken place then the only argument could be that it was consensual, and making that sound plausible. In this case the guys were convicted so it wasn't convincing evidence. It's fucked up for certain.

Well, I don't ask him about his job anymore. That's one way. Also, it is necessary for our justice system to function to have somebody to advocate for the guilty. Most people who come to trial as a defendant will be guilty. I am conflicted about it.

I am not a lawyer and understand little about the legal system. To clarify, do you mean that there are other ways to try and get your client off, and if you bring the victims morals and character into question then your an asshole who is being lazy at their job?

That's having a moral compass. Presumably there are areas of law that don't require you to defend guilty people? Or is it that you have to do a little of everything when you start out, like a doctor?

Well, the thing is he actually doesn't make much money. The system is different in the UK. It's not like he's a big city lawyer for a big firm. Junior solicitors don't make a lot. It's not minimum wage but it's not mega bucks.

I have this friend who is a defence lawyer/solicitor, whatever the correct term is. He was telling me a bit about what it's like to defend rapists. Like this one trial, that was kind of high profile, it was in the papers, a girl was drugged and gang raped by 4 men. There is DNA evidence that all 4 had sex with her and

Awww, that's kind of adorable. My housemate at university was an upper class guy from Pakistan. He came from a huge house, basically a palace, with cooks and servants. He was so fucking helpless! We had to show him how to make toast. He never did housework so we went on and on at him until he agreed to wash the

It is so important to get these men to understand. Only by these guys becoming real allies will the culture start to change. They need to be convinced enough to call other men out on their shit, because we all know that the message has to start coming from men and not just women to be taken seriously. And you're

this was meant to be a gif but I am a TROGLODYTE. Technology scares and confuses me