
oh haiiii sexy metro guard

Liam Hemsworth in army gear

It staggers me that men, good, nice, kind men, are prepared to give rapists a pass for behaviour that they would never engage in themselves. They see a 'grey area' in situations that would never be grey for themselves. Why?

Just when I didn't think it was possible to love Natalie Dormer more....

I love South Park and I love Game if Thrones and that episode was a huge MISS! It's like the writers had never actually seen the show.

He is so sexy in the early Tudors series'.

I feel you so bad. I was thinking of this perfect guy when I wrote this, gorgeous, hilarious, and a heterosexual hairdresser. That's a cool job! Then I went to bed with him. What I experienced can never be unexperienced. It was about 12 years ago, I'm now married, and I'm still sad about it!

Ah, I'm a Brit and we don't do circumcision here. I'd be baffled by the lack of foreskin I think. Like, how do you give a hand job?

Hell yes on the jealousy. My last boyfriend was like that and it was actually really unhealthy and miserable for me. After we broke up I told myself, never again. My husband is the opposite, so laid back he's lying down. Drives me nuts sometimes but it's a whole lot better than Mr calls me 29 times a day to ask who

jackrabbit sex. You know that sex where it's like they're masturbating but with your vagina.

But...why is an economist making these bizarre statements about rape? Are they connected somehow? Do I not actually understand what economics is about? I'm confused.

For reels. Buddy Bear? Daisy Boo? What if those kids want to be lawyers, or politicians, or just a fucking dude not called Buddy Bear? Kids aren't always little and adorable. One day they're going to grow up and want to be taken seriously.

your son is wonderful. What a fantastic addition to the human race he is going to be. Well done

I'm thinking boxing lessons and an all girls school. Not that this would prevent her getting drug raped, but it's a start.

The self loathing in that little girl. I want to massacre those boys and give her a hug that never ends.

I want to rip that little shit apart with my bare hands. I have two daughters, two beautiful trusting girls with their whole futures in front of them. How can a mother bear their baby girl coming to them in pain and confused and realising they've been raped? I'm in tears reading this. Those poor children. Their

I feel like a need a shower after reading that. Scumbag motherfucker

It was a man that got hurt and therefore he is (rightfully) deserving of our sympathy. If it had been a woman, it would have been her own fault somehow.

This is one article I'll be keeping WELL away from my husband.

I got a haemorrhoid burnt off and yeah, you can smell your skin burn