
oh shit!! I forgot about that bit. Yeah that was terrible. Also, how were they going to explain the damage to the car they borrowed? QT needs to make a sequel clearing up these issues.

That was a shitty post and I'm glad you called it out. Welcome to the greys!

Celebrities have the best skin creams. I'm small and gained a ton of weight in pregnancy. The only place I got stretch marks was my legs, which was the only place I didn't cover myself in cocoa butter twice a day.

why would you post this?

Then they all high five each other after they've beaten him to death. Amazing

Someone posted it on my Facebook feed yesterday. I can't get it out of my mind. It's amazing no female student has gone postal with a semi automatic on a frat house by now.

You beat me to it! Also Death proof was badass as fuck and ultimately a feminist movie I thought.

That is exactly what it is. Especially when it comes from a woman. Nobody wants to admit that they're vulnerable. That somebody could also hurt them if they chose to, and there wouldn't be a single thing they could do to stop them. That's a terrifying reality to live in.

I wholeheartedly endorse this appointment. This picture of him cradling his new baby in his huge muscular arms gets me right in the ovaries


A petting zoo with a Komodo dragon sounds dangerous!

Ugh, ew and oh so gross. This is why I am not on Twitter. I want to rant about the people I hate in the comfort and anonymity of my Facebook friends without the heinous possibility that one of them might FUCKING TALK BACK TO ME SO CREEPY AND WEIRD.

Are you me? My kids are the same age and while I LOVE the Little Mermaid and it's music (including this song because the melody is gorgeous) the lyrics It's the 'you want her-look at her you know you do. Possible she wants you too, there is one way to ask her'. does snow in parts of Africa.

That was the worst thing about this article. That poor baby and the pain he went through. It's unimaginable.

Fucking Colin Farrell would be completely worth the inevitable STD

I just image searched her, and she is amazing. Truly unique and distinctive looking, and yet melds perfectly into 100 different looks/styles like they're her own. Kendall Jenner is pretty, but she just looks like Kendall Jenner. Coco is....something else.

I just got back from Disney World and the adults queuing for an hour to cuddle a stoned college student dressed as Mickey Mouse must be clinically insane. There can be no other explanation.

Sweet Jesus. I'm a fan of home births (different system here in the UK) and I am having palpitations over your link. WHAT THE FUCK LADIES, I AM JUDGING THE SHIT OUT OF ALL OF YOU

Heard this on the radio earlier, and as a parent of 2 little girls who I would quite like to remain unmolested/kidnapped, I can say that I think this rule is completely fucking ridiculous. I can understand not allowing unaccompanied adults into purely child oriented spaces like a soft play or a kids cinema showing,