
I was just thinking that. If you wouldn't walk up to this person you just met with your cock hanging out, then it's probably not appropriate to do it in a text either.

I actually think it was the water. I'm a huge fan of water births, they should be available everywhere.

yes, I have had a hospital birth, and I also work on a maternity ward. By far the most beneficial way for delivery is leaning forward/on all fours or upright and squatting. The reason is because your tail bone gets in the way when you are on your back, or even sat up in bed. You can see the difference with a model of

if you say so

Do you have a link to the study? I googled and could only find articles citing the results.

There is a much higher chance of needing an instrumental delivery or emergency c section if you have an epidural. You are confined to bed in a supine position which is the worst position for labour. A drug free, active delivery isn't a badge of honour but a sensible medical decision for straightforward pregnancies.

I did too. I basically got married because I wanted us all to have the same name. I got tired of people either assuming that my partner wasn't the father of my kids, or just calling me Mrs....... anyway. Also my maiden name was long, ugly and impossible to spell. My married name is incredibly common and I love it!

No Brody, no show

SHE IS THE WORST SPY! How does she keep getting jobs?

she is huge in south America. Madonna levels of fame.

Took me a couple of times reading but I get what they're saying now. This school has low poverty indicators and also low test scores. Normally as a general pattern, you could expect an ofsted rated good school with low poverty indicators to have good sat results. It's a reasonable assumption that this school has an

Most teachers HATE sats and are so frustrated that they have to teach kids how to perform on some stupid test set by the government rather than instil a real love of learning and curiosity. Whoever wrote this sounds pissed off.

The world can be a wonderful place too, as well as a terrible one.

If I let my kid be obese, smoke or do drugs then yes, I'm a shit parent. Adults doing any of these things concerns me not a jot. Behaviour that hurts nobody else should be nobody else's business.

Toddlers are shits. I'm playing the waiting game. My eldest became reasonable around 3.

agree completely. I think too many adults have forgotten what it's like to be a powerless child. Many parents are so frightened of being permissive that they're on their kids case 24/7 and never cut them any slack. If it's important to my kid to have a pink cup and it will take me literally 3 seconds then why on earth

I like it!

my 18 month old is at the hitting stage and thinks it's hilarious. It's really hard to know what to do. They are too little for time out, saying no, getting cross or telling her off makes her laugh. I sometimes ask her to be gentle and show her what I mean, and sometimes I do pretend to cry and walk away from her to

I have traditionally been a pretty authoritative parent and was ruining my relationship with my eldest (my youngest is just a baby) and making my family miserable. I was parented this way and was completely messed up by it. People don't realise the damage they can do by not respecting their children.

I don't understand people who say no to their kids for no reason. It's like they're deliberately trying to make them miserable. Kids have so little control over their lives, if I can give a yes to mine then I do. I say no and mean it with good reason which I explain and they tend to accept it much easier.