
bad luck North, you don't get to develop a personality, it's already been assigned!


oh my god, the fucking trainee dominatrix who subletted a room in my student house one summer. She used to play gabba music all day and night and frequently left used tampons in the shower. When she moved out she left a whole bunch of crap that we had to sort out and dispose of including a duvet covered in huge blood

there's a whole lot of something going on in that fellas eyes.

don't eat late at night, it's the worst

anybody who has been a parent already knows this

wait, what? They took their kid to a Pride parade then were surprised to see men having a kiss?

Stop fucking with the bulls then bruv

I'm not sure its a commonly used term though. I'm trying to remember what term official forms use in their irksome demographic research section.

I concur that it is definitely known in the UK that oriental is not a word you use to describe someone of east asian appearance. I am struggling to think of the PC term though, because Asian here is normally Pakistani/Indian/Bangladeshi.

and how is it one of a kind if she's telling the whole internet how to do it?

Has anybody mentioned Kimberley Stewart and Benicio Del Toro having a baby together?

He's adorable though

When I was a teen I was in love with the sound of his voice. I was in England and Counting Crows weren't big here but I had a taped copy of August and Everything After and my god I was so smitten. I thought he was the most profound and beautiful man I'd ever heard. Then I got the internet and eventually saw his

I really hope that you're right

He's going to get off. Just watch. Fucker.

nooooooo! You've got to be kidding

damn straight on all counts.

good for her. Pregnancy- it's not an illness people. I was lazy as shit during mine and I got fat and have stretch marks on my legs. She won't have to worry about that.

Hun, people get fat for all sorts of reasons.