
just what I was thinking. If being skinny really was better than eating delicious food then everyone would be skinny!

I always knew that Seth Rogen would bring about the End of Days

you can definitely do a tour of location sites including Winterfell (!!!) Not sure about the internal sets. Will find out. Suddenly my grandpas 90th birthday trip is looking much more appealing.

OH MY GOD YOU CAN DO A GAME OF THRONES TOUR IN NORTHERN IRELAND? I am going there in August. So. Excited. Right. Now

I agree although locking the doors is definitely a sensible move.

agreed- we are very lucky in the UK, I don't think we realise how lucky we are.

agree although that's not all paid. I think it's 6 months paid and 6 months unpaid. One of the few good policies that those bastards have brought in is that it will now be parental leave and not maternity which is awesome and I hope it gets taken up by all the menz. I seriously cannot believe what American women have

Cunt or asshole are both good ones.

this film IS my childhood. 7 year old me discovered the opposite sex thanks to David Bowie, and my god did I want to have Sarah's hair!

there was a scene in the first series where her parents visited

this looks confrontational, funny and necessary. Will look forward to seeing it. I'm glad that films funded by Kickstarter are being recognised. Makes the filmmaking process and output much more interesting.

that is adorable and I also own an cute Juicy Couture white lace mini dress that I neeearly got married in but was too embarrassed! They do some really nice dresses so I am sad to see them go.

really? Like what? I recall him being almost completely humourless.

Stannis is clearly a total badass. These viewers just want to see the preening peacocks. He may not have the one liners but he's got a backbone of steeeeeeel

Ah yes, he was just a child in the first series, jealous of his brother and missing his dead mummy. Now he's a man of the Nights Watch, with big strong arms and honor and shit.

Anybody with a working heart, eyes and loins would agree with you

people love to hate on Jon Snow for some reason. I however, am thoroughly in love with him

I also thought this episode was brilliant, touching, sad, exciting and SWASHBUCKLING! I've been losing the will with the TV show recently. I thought this was a return to form


I'm so depressed about what is going on in the UK right now, and across Europe in general. Far right parties are gaining support everywhere. Are people really that stupid and evil that we can let this happen again? We need the EU more than ever in times like these.