
that's the excuse I will give if the situation ever arises

I fucking hate spiders; it's the way they move. But I don't mind tarantulas. They're slow and look like 8 legged furry mice. Kinda cool. Wouldn't wanna hold one mind.

Mallory Knox is a badass Mallory. I'm jealous of your name

Matthew McConaghey is legitimately one of the best actors of our generation. He was spellbinding in True Detective. Who would have thought the doofus from Dazed and Confused would have turned out so?

I also adore both those films. These 2 are normally cute as a button together

that's interesting, I didn't realise the US summer holidays were so long.

ha! True. Although camping in the rain is the ultimate British holiday

really??? I never heard of it here before.

Man, I don't even know how families with 2 working parents cope. I'm a SAHM right now (although I'd still love to send my kid away for the summer!) but I think it's a combination of grandparents, holiday leave split between the parents, child minders and school summer schemes. Summer camp just isn't part of our

why don't we have summer camp in the UK? FOR WHYYYYYY??? They sound amazing (not the $10,000 ones obviously).

what she said about her son being a punishment was awful, but I think it is perfectly natural for a mother to wish that her autistic child had been born 'normal'. That feeling must only be magnified if you truly believe that something you did was responsible for your kids condition. Yes autism is a difference but it's

you sound awesome. Being young is no indication of the kind of mother you will make. It makes me so angry when people assume that young mothers are feckless and irresponsible. One of my oldest friends had a baby at 17, her son is now 16 and is the most wonderful young man and a credit to her. I'm sure your daughter

Give it up girl

thoughtful and well reasoned- you must be lost!

Wow, thanks for the advice. Will get a test done.

That's true, although most oats are contaminated with other grains. I do need to fork out for a skin prick test- it seems like lots of Drs think they're hooey though....I feel like an allergy would be more alarming than what I experience. Most of it is cumulative, like a small amount of grain makes me itch and gives

Thanks, I read the article. It's not proof that anything is 'made up'. That implies that people suffering from this kind of food sensitivity are being dishonest or delusional. If you read the comments you will see that this is exactly how many people are interpreting this study. All this small study suggests is that

Is there a test for IBD? I know I don't have Crohn's, that shit is no joke. I suffer a variety of symptoms that completely clear up with the removal of gluten products from my diet. I'm not married to the idea of a gluten intolerance per say, I mean if there is other common substances in wheat, rye, oats etc that are

In my case it would have to be something that's also in rye and oats. It's not just wheat. I obviously don't know if it's gluten or another substance, but there is a lot of comments that are taking this article as 'proof' that a sensitivity to these foods is made up.

Gee scientist guys, thanks for letting me know that my insanely itchy skin, stomach cramps, nausea, dizziness and joint pain is all in my head! It's SUCH fun to to turn down delicious food because I'm crazy/a narcissist/have an eating disorder. Seriously, food allergies and intolerances are a pain in the fucking ass