
More proof if proof were needed that Kit Harington is the dreamiest bastard in all of Westeros

This look exactly like every shoe in my wardrobe. I love the fact the 90's are back because I suddenly look on trend, as opposed to a weirdo who never stopped wearing grunge.

she looks awesome and beautiful. I also think Fit mom looks great. Being very trim is a lot of work, especially after kids. If it's important to you to have a washboard stomach and a thigh gap, and you are prepared to sacrifice food, energy and time to achieve it, go for it! You will look great. If you decide you

is it possible to be both a sex worker and be a feminist that disagrees with the general objectification of women in society? How can one reconcile these?

sign me up to the Stannis and Davos fan club. Kings Landing needs more honest straight shooters.

that sounds so awesome I can't even

that's why the South Park episode was so terrible. There are no weeners in Game of Thrones, only tits

GOD ME TOO! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH US? I blame the disturbing lack of Jon Snow in that episode.

IDK, I think the big issues get left unsaid in many families. Maybe that's why we squabble over such trivial shit. The big stuff hurts too much.

Isn't that so depressing that mothers and daughters fight the most about hair, clothes and weight? What the hell are we doing?

This isn't an article examining how Britishisms or Americanisms find their way into each other's vernacular, or even pointing out the differences between our languages. This article is pointing and laughing at a particular English woman for speaking English woman. OMG, she says film instead of mooooovie, how

Sorry, but I'm surprised to see an article this stupid on Jezebel. I read the Guardian and I don't remember ever seeing an article mocking Americans for sounding American- please feel free to send me a link if I'm wrong.

But, this article isn't about 'Britishisms' making their way into the American lexicon. It's mocking an English woman for saying things English people say. Which is ridiculous.

are you kidding me? Yes English people talk like this

Yay! My 5 year old makes me feel harassed almost daily. Now I can have her arrested.

personally I only embraced being a mother after having my 2nd. I had my first kinda young and unplanned, and while I loved her, I definitely felt the resentment and wished for my old life. Having my baby- it made me feel like a mother. Now I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing. So for me, twice was the charm

when Al Qaeda thinks you're getting too rowdy in the name of Islam..yeah..might be time to stop and reflect.

boring but sexy! Don't forget sexy

my tits are saying yes! But my nerve endings are saying nooooooooooo

I really hate the books because her writing style annoys me no end and she badly needs an editor. I stopped reading around book 4. However, I think the films are great fun.