
The first time I ever stayed over at my new boyfriend/fuck buddy's place, I woke up in the morning to find I'd got my period all over the bed. It was everywhere! I wanted to die, but the sweetie just put the put the sheets in the wash like it was no biggie and carried on as normal. I knew then he was a keeper (we're

that is so disturbing

I've had 2 babies and a miscarriage. I cannot imagine having an abortion. I hate the idea and I don't think I could do it. However, I am completely pro-choice. How I feel about my own embryos does not give me the right to dictate how others should feel about theirs. Obviously.

dear lord, I'm so relieved for you that everything was ok. What a horrible week you must have had.

Duh, they only need to be protected in the womb. One they're born they can be mown down at school or in the cinema with semi automatic weapons.

I'm intrigued! What was it?

Sounds like it's preparing you well for the joys of pregnancy :)

And also good luck with the fertility treatment. That shit is not easy. Fingers crossed for you.

I had horribly heavy period when I had an iud fitted, and it was only an issue at night. In the day you empty frequently and it's fine. At night I wore a pad as well as a cup, and old pyjamas! Good luck with the cup because I think they're amazing, so I hope you do too.

Exactly. Why the fucking holocaust? Why not the moon landings?

it's gross I know but yeah, down the sink, aim for the plug hole and rinse. If I'm in a cubicle with no sink, empty down the toilet and wipe with tissue. It is more...visceral than other menstrual methods.

Quite. These are wildlings. Ygritte says that a Wildling man can own a woman, or he can own a knife, but not both. These women would slit the throats of their captors in their sleep.

This was a great episode on what has so far been a weak season. For the first time I didn't care how much they were deviating from the books, I just sat back and was enthralled. Jon Snow kicking some rapist ass- swooooon.

I am also a SAHP. It can be many things like boring, repetitive, lonely and tiring. However, NO part of it is actually difficult. Those stupid Facebook posts need to die, they're making us look like dicks.

I was thinking that as I read the article- duh, that's when you go to secondary school! Out of your safe babyish primary and into a really pretty adult environment where drugs, sex and violence are all around you. It's terrifying. Or maybe that was just my school?

I don't mean for one second she should tolerate him being a dick to her, or even spend much time around him, but I do think she needs to get used to the fact that her friend has chosen this guy to move in with and telling her friend that she hates him and expecting her to welcome that knowledge is naive. We don't

oh man, I remember being 11 and my little ginger boyfriend coming round to my house for like a date. We literally didn't talk all day; we hung out, played cards and basketball, went for a walk together ALL WITHOUT SAYING A WORD! That age is awkward as shit.

LW3 sounds pretty judgemental herself. She starts off calling her best friends boyfriend a pretentious hipster pretty boy. He may well be a douche, but it's not your boyfriend. She clearly loves him and if you're a good friend you will try to find a way to tolerate him. If he's as irredeemable a you think, she will

dude, I'm making no assumptions about why someone might choose to name their kid Emma, all I'm saying is it is a very very common name. Which is true.

Well some people are snobby assholes