
Midwives are not nurses but they are trained to the same standard; a 3 year degree course. They are as regulated and can be struck off as easily etc.

I was lucky because my borough had got a dedicated home birth team. The NHS lives home births because they are cheaper and have a lier rate of intervention/complication, however most places don't have a team like that and yeah, I think people do struggle in places. They're increasing in popularity but still pretty

Thanks so much! Good luck to you too

"you will get the same pay until the end of your unhappy days"

I will always tell my kid, hitting us wrong. We never attack anyone, we use our words. But if somebody ever puts their hands on you in an aggressive way, drop their ass to the floor. I will always have your back.

This issue is close to my heart because I'm in London and beginning midwifery training in September. The state of the hospitals are really concerning, especially in major cities. The problem is lack of funding, not lack of people wanting to be midwives. The university that I am applying to has 50 spaces, all funded by

Bare Minerals is AMAZING! I used to have the most terrible skin until I started using their powder foundation every day and now my spots have completely gone away. It was definitely the foundation (I used many varieties) because when I now need a thicker coverage and use something like Clinique or MAC, I always get

My number 1 piece of breast feeding advice would be do NOT Introduce a bottle unless and until you need to. Maybe you'll get lucky and your baby will easily switch between them, like my first. Or maybe your baby will quickly prefer the bottle, get mega frustrated on the breast and refuse to 'work' for the milk, your

They're awesome. Definitely get one. I use a moon cup, there is no leakage unless you have a very heavy flow, in which case you just need to be diligent about emptying it/maybe wear something else overnight. There is no disadvantage apart from occasional blood on your hands, but that's an occupational hazard with any

I am the least hippy person you will find and I fucking LOVE my mooncup. It's way more comfortable than a tampon and you never run out. Periods are a breeze now, they're the best. I don't understand why they aren't more popular.

doesn't the clip say it's egg rather than puke? One is way less cray than the other

oh my god, thank you. I could not believe that they made Jaime a rapist. Jaime is not a fucking rapist! What the fuck you assholes??

yeah just buy one, they cost like £3 and work on tubes, trains and buses. The tube is really really easy to navigate, much easier than New York subway.

Eh,I like Brussles, the food is amazing and there are some good galleries. Bruges is much more beautiful though. Amsterdam is not that far and is so amazing. If you do go to Brussles, Whittamers chocolates are the best in the world, definitely go there!

I am also a Londoner and second all of this and also add Greenwich, Portobello Road and Regents Park as places to visit.

ha, yes maybe an unfortunate turn of phrase

I just....think it's all nonsense. Believe it if you want folks, we're all cool. But don't ask me to buy what you're selling.

Oh god, reading some of these has made me remember something I had forgotten. Back before my then boyfriend realised the wonder that is private browsing, I found the search term 'gay domination' in his browser. When I asked him about it, he claimed someone else must have been using his laptop. Yeah right motherfucker!

my 4 year old daughter asked me if girls could marry other girls. I said 'sure. They're called lesbians.' She goes 'oh'. That was it.