
What a huge loss to literature. The Autumn of the Patriarch is hands down the greatest book I ever read.

I'm feeling tired and emotional so this brought tears to my eyes. My school was so damn negative and uninspiring and cynical. Seeing kids do something like this, for the love of their school and sheer joy of being young and alive, gives me hope for the future.

I've just been reading all the comments from mothers wishing their kids could stay babies forever and I am the exact opposite. The older mine get the more I like them! I cannot wait until they're grown and I can talk to them like normal people instead of nagging them to do stuff

I just changed mine after reading this. I had no idea it was annoying! And I've tried so hard to be a responsible Facebook mother. Sigh

I'm stealing this line

right?? Negligence aside, it sounds just TERRIBLE!


My eldest, just turned 5, has just in the last few months turned from the most honest child in the world to a compulsive liar. It's like she just discovered it one day and now she lies about absolutely everything. It's fascinating, hilarious and so annoying in equal measures. I'll comfort myself with her 'creativity'


I seriously considered Lyra for my second kid. The character is so awesome and it's a beautiful name. I decided against it though because Sophie Dahl used it and she's annoying

that's exactly what I thought. Her perception of family explains ALOT

Thanks for that, that's interesting. Trying to imagine my big four year old stuffed into a rear facing car seat!

In the UK that's totally normal and based on our laws and government recommendations.

in the UK nearly all kids are in a forward facing toddler style seat before they are 1. The law says they can swap from 9 months. I had NO idea that this was anything other than normal and feel pretty sorry for the HRH's on this. Is the rate of internal decapitation higher in the UK than NZ? Id be curious to know....

Heath Ledger in leather trousers is clearly the greatest thing about this film

In other words the 28 year olds see through your bullshit to see the cretin you really are

This campaign bothers me because most if my friends didn't even mention donating money, it was just a narcissistic picture of them to 'raise awareness'. How does posting a flattering photo of you without make up raise awareness of cancer? It's just stupid. I'm glad it made money out of the people who actually

A friend of a friend actually did that. I totally snarked on this stupid campaign but that shut me up. It was brave, relevant and meaningful- everything the rest of those stupid pictures were not.

Fascinating and amazing. I had no idea hormones could change the shape of your face like that. So interesting, thank you. Best of luck to all 3 of them

I can't believe some people seem to think that it is ok to stop a 5 year old having fun because 'boys might see their underwear'. That is ridiculous, disgusting and just so wrong. I would be furious if someone pulled that crap on my 5 year old.