
My thoughts exactly. What about the niçoise guys?

There really needs to be a charity that donates mooncups (diva cup in US maybe?) to developing countries where women have little access to menstrual hygiene products. It is the perfect solution surely, re-usable, lasts pretty much forever and only has to be boiled in water to be sterilised. Somebody needs to set this

People are so weird about death. Personally I'm quite looking forward to it. My only hope is that it happens when my children are grown and that it doesn't hurt too much.

I also love the word chugging. Now it's official! Today is a great day

The advice to number 1 is really bad. The first thing the LW needs to do is talk to her good friend. Not suffer the wedding resentfully and cut her out of her life afterwards. She is working on lots of assumptions and until she asks, 'hey, why isn't my BF invited when that other dude you've known 5 minutes IS

Exactly. The real question is- what is your motivation? She has a strong one, her body is part if her product and her business. Most people can want to be fit and healthy and work out without looking like she does, which is only achieved by a pretty low calorie intake on top of exercise. Without the motivation to have

I know right. The rest of it she can go jump off a bridge, but come on. You can't just stop paying her school fees just because she's acting like a bitch. Or you can but you shouldn't.

Oh my god yes. My brother in law is autistic and he would just never!! He's a well brought up young man who is polite and sweet and loves dungeons and dragons and ancient history and has never made a threat, sexual or otherwise in his life. This kid is just a jerk and so are his parents.

Well, Tom Cruises full name is Thomas Cruise Mapother IV. He shortened it to make a stage/professional name. Stoya is short for Jessica Stoyadinovich. Her name is very public so I don't think she ever sought to be anonymous.

Well- I mean both parties learned the hard way that there are consequences for their actions. On balance, I feel more sorry for the mother.

When someone in the internet makes up a lie about you, like in that rock singer case (allegedly) why do you sue for 'hurt feelings'? Can't you just sue for libel?

Oh come on, nobody cares about the iron born

I've always liked Lily Allen. I like her (old) music and her adorable fringe. I like how she's trying to be a good mother despite being a bit of a fuck up in the past. When she lost her late term pregnancy, that shit made me cry.

They need to pay bartenders a shit load more in that case

God I hate my country sometimes

How long has it been since Russell Crowe made a film anything other than terrible?

Is that man really saying these things on TV? Like he knows the camera is on right?

I'm really glad you had such a positive experience and felt listened to and respected. All birth should be like this, even in an emergency situation. I know the US has some great healthcare available.

How is that not surgical rape?