
Those ice creams are nowhere near as nice as they look. The jam one is minging. That's right, I went there. I still haven't forgiven Ben and Jerry for discontinuing my oatmeal cinnamon ice cream. That stuff was pure frozen orgasm

Damn and they make the woman pay for it after? Talk about insult to injury

It's not just the physical distance and the money, it's the emotional upheaval and the shaming. My little cousin lives in Ireland. She is 18 with 1 baby and another on the way. 2 different dads. Her mother is devastated. She could easily come to England for an abortion but it's. Just.not.done. And if course there

Oh, you mean a woman seeking an abortion has to have an ultrasound before she can get one? Is this just proposed, or has it actually passed?

FORCED ultrasound law?? For why?

I'm convinced guys

You're right, it is obviously not an issue in South Dakota

Not trolling. Discussing. I assumed sex selective abortions were illegal in most countries. I realise I'm wrong. No need to get snarky

To be honest, I assumed they were illegal already in the US. It never occurred to me that anyone would find it problematic, but then I'm learning a lot from Jezebel about abortion rights in the US and how much pressure you guys are under.

Surely most of our laws are based on what we as a society find immoral. I don't know if this law is enforceable, and I don't have much of an opinion on it either way. But there are other laws that are hard to enforce that are still worth passing.

All good points.

You make a good point

It sounds like the kind of law that is pretty much unenforceable, but sends a message that gender discrimination is unacceptable. I don't know how a ban is carried out in practise.

It is wrong to single out Asians as a specific ethnic group that selectively abort female babies. However, this is considered to be a problem in some wealthy developed countries and has been made illegal in Britain.…

Fair enough, I was being a bit dramatic

Thanks, I realised the article was linked after I posted that :)

Thanks for replying, that's really interesting that there is a conflict between nurse midwives and CPM midwives. As a staunch supporter of home births, risk is highly important in making a sensible health care decision and if a high risk mother decides to go ahead with a home birth, that is her right of course but it

That's good that this is an option for some women, I understand that this is not widely available but correct me if I'm wrong

That's good to know that this is an option for some women

Thanks, I should've just read the article properly instead of asking you! It seems that the quality of midwifery care is a major concern in the US.