
It pisses me off on behalf of my American sisters that the choice there seems to be between an obstetrician who are generally predisposed to medicalise and intervene and generally expect a labor to be supine and medicated, and an untrained layperson with no medical experience. If I'm getting a false impression of


My friend who is a nanny splashes water in the face of her kids who are out if control like that. Her parents used to put her in the shower fully clothed!

You don't need to be a nurse first, you do a 3 year degree that qualifies you as a midwife. A nurse also does a 3 year degree so the training is pretty equivalent albeit in different disciplines. If you are a nurse you can do an extra 1 year training to be a midwife.

You are right. The journal article states that the majority of the home births in the USA were attended by direct entry midwives, self employed individuals often with minimal training and regulation. In contrast midwives in Europe are as trained as nurses, employed mostly by the state and carry drugs and resus

Yeah I did

The author of the article replied to me that they were planned home births, but I'm not sure if they were all low risk mothers with qualified midwives.

Also if all the mothers were low risk?

Thanks for replying- do you know if they are attended by nurse midwives?

Sorry everyone is jumping on you. A lot of people in the US seem to really hate home births, and can't seem to envisage anyone other than a doctor attending the birth. In the UK every normal pregnancy is attended to by midwives and home births are regulated and considered to be very safe - in fact they are actively

Can I just ask- are these planned home births being analysed? Because most studies like these do not differentiate between planned home births and emergency births that happen at home by accident, sometimes even unassisted. Of course the outcomes for these kinds of births skew the data, so I'd be curious to know the

Is she talking about sports offered in schools? Because I for one would have loved a wider range of options at my school such as dance or gymnastics or martial arts. As a child I HATED all sports because to me that meant running round a field in the mud being lapped by the boys, or trying and failing to shoot a

They should make harassment of celebrity children, or any children illegal. Come on now. It's so fucking over the line and makes me very angry

I've just re-read the second part if your post and you may have answered that....

I've wondered why some photos are blurred and some aren't. Do people like Brangelina (ugh, sorry) give permission for their children's image to be published?

Ha! I also researched this recently and yes, they are all the worst. And her stupid video project she's so obsessed with? STUPID!! I do however love Lainey's doily dress and oh my god her hair and make up. 90's grunge fashion 4eva

"I feel like I failed as a mother because they're not alive".

This really is a fabulous film. I've read all the arguments as to why it's not as feminist as people say and I do agree, but I still adore the film. Let It Go actually makes me cry every time (damn hormones), the dialogue is genuinely funny and the feminist baby steps that the story takes are really important for this

Ah ok, no probs :)

Such an emotional roller coaster. Emmeline Pankhurst film- yay! Meryl Streep, yay! Wait, Carey Mulligan? Oh :(