
But didn’t we already know all of this? I mean, didn’t the last season end with the gunshot and the cliffhanger was whether she shot the guard or just fired the gun to shut everyone up? It’s been a year so my details are fuzzy...

You should screenshot the first comment and post it in response to the second. And then ask them to please clarify their stance.

They’ve done studies and found that there’s a tipping point - up to a certain point alcohol does improve the ability to speak additional languages well. Then the participants all got too drunk and stopped making sense.

Dude, fuck your sister in law

I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my first pregnancy at 11 weeks, and it basically destroyed me. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you to have gone through that in your second trimester. Sending love.


I've been on some form of medication for Tourette's (facial and body tics [not vocal {coprolalia}], ADHD, OCD, impulse control, etc.) and depression for >decade, and I must say that people who don't understand the difference that you're talking about here (casually taking pharmaceuticals in avoidance of dealing with

Bwahahahaha SQUIRREL! My husband says this to me all the time. Then in a completely unrelated context, so did one a fellow PhD student. Hey, at least I'm consistent!


I've called shrimp the cockroaches of the sea for at least a decade, and I only eat them when they're battered and deep fried.

I saw this guy in Houston a couple of weekends ago at the MJ Cirque show, and WOW, he was amazing. Thank you for posting this!

Agreed, that sucks.

But I kind of agree with the sentiment, no? I mean, from what I have gathered, some asshat was a douche to Tim 29 years ago about being a bad lover, so he stopped having sex (with other people, presumably? my husband and i were debating this — i just assumed he meant with other people, but the hubby thinks it's with

i lived in Thailand for 6 months in 2003, and the stray dog sitch there is CA-RAZY! The monks at all of the local wats have an ethical commitment to feed all of the hungry dogs, but not to see to their medical care, so there were all of these well-fed but super-mangy stray dogs. The thing was that they all had super

I think that's because it's all relative and tied up in our cultural norms... I went to school in Texas with a large Spanish-speaking population, and I can remember one specific girlfriend of mine who dated this guy who was four or five years older throughout high school, but she was insistant that within her

quite possibly the most effed up thing i've heard in a while. i need to take a shower now...

I was traveling in China a few years back with a fellow white girl (she: brunette with blue eyes, I: blonde with hazel eyes), and I lost count of how many times we were handed back the wrong passport — mine to her or vice versa. I was shocked bc in my eyes we looked so different, but to the Chinese, it appeared we

This happened to a friend of mine as well. The doctor didn't go so far as to show her what part of her labia he would remove, but he commented that hers was "oversized" and suggested that she look into labiaplasty, which, of course, he could provide. I was appalled by her story, but this doctor found a way to be even

Can't stop won't stop! 97.9 The BOX

Mike Vitar. That was Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez's real name. I STILL remember that from eighth grade in, ahem, 1994, and that ish was before Google, so finding out his real name involved real work... I had to actually look at the credits when the movie ended! I think also still I have the VHS (sandlots 1 and mighty