Claire Roux

“So if you’re going to pull a random rant about a dead guy remotely related to cars who used to date underage girls...”

And you can’t really tell by looking anymore.  If she looks 30, she’s probably 40; if she looks 40, she’s probably 50; if she looks 20, she’s probably 12.

Hate on millennials all you want, but the woman is 28, not 22, and nobody is sincerely saying that AOC should be Speaker of the House right now.

It’s pretty disheartening to see so many people act as if AOC’s actual platform is too radical to work in other parts of the country—especially in more purple areas—when most of her platform is actually pretty attractive to damn near anyone who isn’t obscenely rich or anyone who isn’t going to vote Republican because

I am not far left (at least according to far left people, I might as well be a neocon) but it irks me so much that dems talk about how people need to come out and vote dem even if they have to hold their nose at it -- but that goes both ways! If a progressive candidate wins and you’re more center, YOU have to hold

Interesting how when the establishment talks about party unity, they mean “fall in line with us, and never the other way around.

I think that what you’re missing is that these people often have issues with their peers because they’re angry and entitled. You’re assuming that they started off normal and were warped by poor treatment, but I don’t think that is frequently the case.

Most of this is crap. Actually, very few mass shooters were loners or outcasts at all. The Columbine shooters, for example, both had a group of friends. Neither of them were bullied, and very few mass shooters display signs of debilitating mental illness before committing violence. Dylan was depressed, Eric wasn’t.

Women loners often still have men harassing them, and of course harassment is seen as simple romantic attention. How can you be seen as a loner when people think you have a thing going with some guy who won’t leave you alone?

Sure, Mr. Pagourtzis. The natural progression from being bullied is murdering scores of others. JFC. I’m so sick of this “my son was bullied” excuse. I was bullied ruthlessly in school, but I didn’t turn that shitshow into a mass shooting. You grow up and realize it makes you stronger. Of course, I’m a woman, so what

I am so, so sorry for your loss. There are no words of comfort anyone can say that are enough, I’m sure. And I apologize on behalf of humanity that people have insinuated that you missed some kind of warning signs, as if anyone can know what is really going on in the mind another person, especially when such an

Thank you for this. Thank you for giving us a link to send people when we want to pull our hair out with frustration and we don’t have the energy to perform the emotional labor of lamenting all this for the millionth time. Thank you for this straightforward corroboration of everything we want to scream in people’s

If you are a creepy, harassing asshole, people aren’t not nice to you because they are bullies. They are not nice to you because you are a creepy, harassing asshole.

I too was a quiet loner in school who got bullied by students and teachers, and I owned several trench coats over the years for what it’s worth. I also love video games and have gothy tendencies, but I never had the urge to inflict harm on others. Granted, I’m a woman and grew up in Europe.

Re: the “sweet quiet boys”thing.

This is the ‘problem’ I have with choice feminism. I agree that on an individual level everyone has the right to chose their path. I get concerned when looked at from the macro level and everyone is ‘choosing’ the same thing and it happens to be the patriarchal status quo.

Of all the married same sex couples I’ve known, none have changed their names. Or even hyphenated for that matter. But this is just my experience. I have no idea what the statistics for that are.

Um, it’s more than a little judgemental, I fully recognise that. I wish I felt differently but I just don’t. There are always Reasons but you don’t think it’s funny that those reasons always end with women taking their husbands’ names? Lots of men hate their fathers, but seemingly not enough to result in enough men

It is such a rare phenomenon that the paper refers to it as a “micropractice.”

Never understood why anyone changes their name in marriage at all. My wife didn’t change hers, neither did my mom, so maybe I’ve got a warped perspective on this.