Claire Roux

SO CUTE. I want one.

LOVE IT. I need to post this somewhere even though I'm not even a dyed blonde...

We do the same thing, except my cats just knock it over, which tends to do the trick... We have to tuck it away haha

I LOVE "Last Christmas"! I will never let it be considered bad. Anyone who says so is insane.

Me too! at not growing since I was 13 and staying 5'1.

I do the same thing, in terms of announcing what I just thought of. Yes, there are often weird looks.

I'm in the same place. No one wins with a Handy.

He may possibly be the nicest guy ever. I'm a little jealous.

As a short girl with quite the booty, I have to ask— Will these stretch over my ass or should I size up? Because height-wise I'm a small, but in lots of other brands if I don't size up after a few wears they start to show some wear on the ass seam— as I mentioned, I have quite the booty.

Hampshire! Wooo pioneer valley!

Where do you go?!

current five college student holla!

The little doggie with the sign is the cutest thing ever.

Yup, me and my sister too! But she was the little blonde one in the back...

Me too! Also they taste shitty. So that's an even better reason.

Eating cotton balls dipped in juice just sounds so remarkably unpleasant that I feel all yucky thinking about it.

There have been psych studies suggesting this is sort of consistent/widespread among minorities (of certain races— black men and women, primarily—for the exact reasons you mentioned. A silver lining, of sorts.

BONES! This has been my evening as well. TWINS.

they do both, generally. If you look back at the article, the even note they use both: " Researchers looked at 192 pairs of fraternal and identical twins, in which one or both twins had autism." So 192 pairs of twins, some identical, some fraternal.

Maybe I'm not being clear, and in that case I'm sorry. The precise reason they examine them for genetic factors is to rule out the additional confounds of environmental factors (at least somewhat, because you can never really have two people who are exposed to the exact same environment). They don't use brothers and