Orange is the new Black
Orange is the new Black
if that had anything whatsoever to do with this particular subject, then sure. We are not doing so great with our muslim community. Then again not a lot of countries really are. At least our borders aren’t closed to them.
But that has nothing to do with the subject. I wasn’t saying France would be perfect if we sorted…
The comments are SO weird to me. A wedding doesn’t have to be an EVENT. It can just be a happy celebration. The dinosaur didn’t steal the entire thing. Did people look at the Dino? Fuck yeah. But that doesn’t take anything away from two people promising to love each other.
This conflates writing and directing. Writing a TV show is not substantially different from writing a feature (if anything, harder, given the usually short period of time allowed). Directing a TV show is not easy, given the short timeframe but the size of set and production crew differ substantially, as does the…
To maintain proficiency: I use my issued sidearm (law enforcement) at the range weekly if not daily. I have an issued rifle, but it does not leave the armory after shift (it is not a ‘take home’ weapon). That one, I will only fire 4 times a year during qualifications ( unless something goes very very wrong). Likewise,…
Quick fun point before I go into my rant: 69% of Americans do not own a firearm, despite there easily being 50-60 million MORE firearms in the country than there are actual people living in it.
Replying to my own post to add: if someone is an accredited doctor from a recognized university, they should be free to share their skills as doctors wherever on Earth.
Your misogyny is pathological. Seek help.
I never agreed with one thing Obama ever did...
You and people like you should be set on fire and thrown off buildings and I have no shame in admitting it
Not quite, Frank from Delaware. If you objected to Rapinoe’s celebration, you are FULLY, not partially, responsible for the kidnapping and caging of children.
But by that logic it isn’t his either, it’s his father’s and his father’s and so on. Either we all get to own the names we were born with or we don’t
The implied causation presented with those statistics makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. Maybe her failed committed relationships taught her valuable life lessons that contributed to the success of her marriage. Maybe her abortion allowed her to finish college and achieve her dreams.
It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids. That was obviously her mistake.
I hopefully think the “Jimmy’s” are on a journey towards self-realization. Any progress is preferable to none.
You realize that by nitpicking like this you’re undermining what she’s trying to do right?
You’re splitting hairs in a way that makes no sense. Saying that misogynists consider women to be another kind of human who deserves less respect is denying us our humanity.
*SIGH* Yes, ther are pockets of every culture in the world here in the U.S., that may be aware of things from their homeland that most others would not. I’m second-generation Irish and I don’t expect people to know who Eileen Ivers or Liam Clancy are. If I say most Americans don’t know who those people are, am I…