It's me that wasn't clear - I completely agree with you, was just thinking out loud!
I can't begin to imagine why anyone non religious would have a problem with marriage equality. What on earth would they object to?
I'm British, living in Sweden, and he sounds Norwegian to me too! Maybe Norrland at a push, but that's definitely not what I hear every day in Stockholm!
Me too! The fact that I'm not Asian AND sing like a foghorn did turn out to be a deterrent for me.
That makes you pro choice. The choice you would theoretically make in the circumstances is irrelevant to your political stance.
It's not their devotion to their beliefs that bothers me, but their devotion to their own facts.
Totally agree. I also don't understand the attitude of "they knew what they were letting themselves in for - what did they expect?" I went to drama school (firmly behind the camera these days), and while few of us were out for fame specifically, it is a side effect of a successful career, and everyone wanted to be…
I might well do... I was on the sidelines of some highly entertaining meltdowns over, of all things, Rockstar:INXS about a thousand years ago, and have been terrified of the mods there ever since. Maybe it's time to don the big girl panties ;-)
I love The Following for the same reasons you do (lurk at TWOP but have never had the courage to jump in!) - there are so many shows I love like that. I've just binge watched Scandal, scrunching my nose and muttering"really... ?" every two seconds, but LOVE. LOVE LOVE LOVE. And Studio 60 - brilliant, brilliant…
Double same here (from the UK, live in Sweden). No where is perfect, but when I read about what's going on in other countries, I feel so grateful that I've always taken for granted that my reproductive health is protected. We *should* be able to take such a thing for granted, it's heartbreaking that so many women…
Sometimes our dog would think that "cat flap" meant "exit big enough to be appropriate for a giant collie", and, as this was not her right as a non-human being, she would get stuck.
That reminds me of the kid in my class in 6/7th grade or so, who liked to go around calling people 'virgins' as though it was an insult, just so they would say "no I'm not!" and he'd screech, "Ms Thompson, [so and so] just said they've had SEX".
If I have one more 'debate' with a halfwit in which I point out that whatever they said was factually indefensible and they come back with "but it's my OPINION, I have a right to my OPINION" I will punch the internet.
I am. I'm not proud, but I marathoned all however many seasons there have been while I had strep throat before Christmas, and I think the fever dulled the increasing pain as the crapness wore on. And now I... need... to... finish... it. Not because I want to, not because I'm enjoying it or give a crap how they get…
I'm British and lived in Vancouver for two years - I absolutely loved it and if I didn't love where I live now (Stockholm) I would go back in a heartbeat!
Precisely. So everyone at that weight being lumped in with the pejorative "gaunt" is obnoxious. I fail to see any problem in those people expressing that they find it obnoxious and providing the context of that opinion.
It is relevant to discussion when they're trying to explain that their perspective comes from the fact that they are (or have been) the precise weight in question.
I agree with you, for what it's worth. I suspect that the writer meant what other commenters are suggesting, that the woman in question looks gaunt at that weight, but the way it's worded, it sounds as though 'gaunt' is a general descriptor for 105 pounds.
I'm just fine with taking a kid/their parents' word for it. Given that most transgender x kids (to the best of my knowledge) dress and outwardly appear the gender with which they identify, do we really think that a cis male (for example) will dress as a female day in day out for their entire school career, simply for…