
I kind of like Apatow's response. It's not that it wasn't inappropriate, but I find it interesting he used the same like of attack uppity women get (maybe outwardly more in the past, but I think it still exists): does your husband know you're doing this? What would he think? I don't know if he was deliberately

... so you're pro choice. Great! Your private opinions on the matter are of no relevance to anyone but yourself.

Oh dude, speaking as someone who lives in a country with real socialised healthcare, I can assure you, Obamacare 'aint it.

I understand where you're coming from... you're still WAY nicer than me ;-)

You are a much more sympathetic person than I am! I see nothing whatsoever that justifies that doctor's words - I have a friend who works in the radiotherapy department of a hospital, and I know he really struggles to absorb dealing with the heartbreaking situations he does. At times he can be cynical in day to day

That's not even remotely "the real question", and nor did I say anything about hating this hypothetical him. Frankly if I had any friend childish enough to consider me "the enemy" for any reason whatsoever, he or she would no longer be my friend because I'm not friends with idiots.

It's a hostile place for anyone talking in circles. A minute ago you want us to be understanding towards men who can never get abortions, and now we are to be understanding towards those who would stop women getting abortions. Why? And what form should this "understanding" take?

Absolutely - I phrased my comment badly in fact, I should have said "that doctor needs reporting" because that is precisely why it is so heinous for a doctor to make such comments to their patient on the operating table. Of course you were in no position to raise a stink - you were having a sodding operation! Ooh my

Because you're contradicting yourself. You've just said: "...considering all things woman should have the last say on abortion." - so great. We're all on the same page, end of conversation.

That is horrific, and deeply out of order given their duty of care to you. I hope you reported them - they should be struck off for that.

I understand your personal reasons for wanting to take your husband's name, I just don't think it's a valid argument for women in general taking their husband's names. It's a personal choice, and while it saddens me that it remains the social norm for women to change their surname upon marriage, I don't judge my

This argument always confuses me. My Dad was born with our surname; so was I - it's no more his (or my brothers' for that matter) than mine.

This argument always confuses me. My Dad was born with our surname; so was I - it's no more his (or my brothers' for that matter) than mine.

I'd echo what others have said here, that ignorance about other countries is hardly uniquely American, and generally I tend to roll my eyes or chuckle at most of the ridiculous opinions I hear. The only thing that can make some Americans' opinions seem more infuriating is that they tend to be stated with such

Even if you're 45 I'd tell her to mind her own damn business! Particularly as I'd guess that anyone who is 45 and not a mother either doesn't want to be, or desperately wants to be and can't for some reason or another - either way, it's unlikely it's something she's okay with being bugged about.

Even if you're 45 I'd tell her to mind her own damn business! Particularly as I'd guess that anyone who is 45 and not a mother either doesn't want to be, or desperately wants to be and can't for some reason or another - either way, it's unlikely it's something she's okay with being bugged about.

Specifically those who won't be convinced that England and Britain are not synonymous. I've lost count of the conversations I've had that go like this:
Them: some reference to me being English
Me: Actually I'm from Scotland.
Them: Isn't that the same?
Me: No.
(some time later)
Me: some reference to me being British
Them: You

I teach dagis in Stockholm and I'm really conscious of the effects of pappaledig on the kids' relationships with their dads (in comparison to my friends' partners back in the UK). I teach the youngest class so most of them start school after a few months with their dads at home and it's primarily dads that do the

So what's your solution then? Not emergency contraception, not motherhood... abstinence? That always works well!

Free speech does not mean what you think it does.