Claire Buoyant

@GrimReefer701: "Look at all that clearance over obstacles!"

@boomchek: Oh, he's got'em all right: a Fiero-based Lambo, for your retching pleasure.

Seems that blowing up an airplane with your Fruit of the Booms would be counterproductive to meeting up with those 72 virgins, no?

If you have an AT&T DSL (or U-Verse) account, you have free access to any place that runs their Wi-Fi service, such as Starbucks.

You know who else rode around in a Mercedes? Adolf Hitler, that's who.

Tank's discussion of different Playgirl models' johnson endowments steals the show here.

@BBooms: My first impression of him was that of a musclehead redneck simpleton (which still stands), but the exposure he gives us of the Palin family's inner workings (and I'm not sure that humiliation is his goal, but it's certainly the effect) is pretty awesome.

@bluebears: I guess I'll have to read the story when it comes out, but it sounded like the Palin parents didn't just make the kids cook for themselves, they didn't cook at all.

An electric headlight to help her to find an honest man.

Somebody set up us the bomb!

I don't know why, but I get him and Lucian Freud confused.

@electricbubbles: So that makes me wonder what the purpose of "core classes" is, if not to help you manage your life?

@otherginger: Uh-oh, I guess I'm your worst enemy now.

My fat age is about 20 years younger than my real age. Heh.

@JinxyMcDeath: There is a lot to recommend for eating locally-grown food (for one thing, it should be fresher, and all else being equal, fresher tastes better), but there are doubts from the sustainable-agriculture thinkers that it's the most eco-friendly diet choice.

I don't get it. If a man gives a women 1200 rials with no conditions attached (which is how I read al-Razine's hypothetical), then she spends 900 of it so that there's 300 rials left. What's wrong with that?