Claire Buoyant

Hm. I was in China last month and brought both a GPS and a GPS-enabled phone with me. I don't know if China mucks with American GPS signals or what, but on both devices, it was hell trying to establish a position fix. (Once the initial position was established, tracking seemed to work inconsistently — sometimes it was

Are you kidding? Have you seen cave paintings from Lascaux, Chauvet, or Altamira? Does this look like it was made by a two year old? It may not look like a photograph, but considering the tools the cave painters had available to them (what, hands smeared in mud? sticks?), I'd say this is pretty realistic looking and

You mean Steve Jobs stole his wardrobe idea from you?

Well, the recommendation engine could be improved, and maybe Google will do just that. As it is, it keeps recommending a distant location of Chain Restaurant X because I like Restaurant Y, even though I've already indicated to the program that I dislike the chain's branch nearest my house. (IOW, it should know that I

Is that essential apps list supposed to be a link?

Defenestrating has a nice ring to it.

I'm a dork, so I went ahead and categorized them into a spreadsheet: []

You do need a rooted phone to use Trevor Eckhart's app. Unless there's another tool out there, then this is the only one that doesn't require rooting to check for Carrier IQ. This app does not attempt to provide a fix for the issue.

I just submitted this to #tips, but this is probably as good a place as any to put it: you can now check for Carrier IQ on an Android phone without rooting it: []

Actually, they can (see right above).

How is this different from eBay's RedLaser app?

But your eyes change. How many images that appealed to you as a teenager hold the same power today?

I think your second sentence proves that the first sentence is unnecessary.

I don't understand why anyone would buy anything at the Apple store (unless you HAD to have the new shiny iObject the first day it rolls out, which I actually understand). Their return policy is only 2 weeks instead of the 30 days found at other stores. Maybe their policy has changed since then, but I've only bought

Unless I missed it in the story, there's one problem with attachments you didn't test, especially when all these machines run on operating systems that trace their roots to Unix — that is, can they recognize attachments created on Windows machines that contain Windows-legal but Unix-illegal characters in their

Windows 95? It was released in 1995. Windows 2000? It was released in 2000. Which came first, Windows 7, or Windows 8? That's pretty clear.

"Shop till you drop."

Sad to say, but the problem isn't going away, and your exhortation for better design will fall on deaf ears. Why? Because these infographics aren't designed for enlightenment but for linkbait. When that's the goal, the quality of information delivery isn't even in the equation. Your "spam" tag is exactly right,

I must be missing something, because I don't see how it "lets you create" radio stations. I see the availability of existing radio stations, but I can't seem to make one.