Claire Buoyant

This is a good idea (and so obvious in retrospect one wonders why it took so long). I can't remember the details, but I think I read Sebastian Junger writing something about bulletproof vests not really making you that much safer because once the shooter figures out your torso is protected, he aims for the head.

@Claire Buoyant: Forgot to add: It's from 1979. 30 years of not making sense.

Ridley Scott has been making nonsensical commercials for a while now. If you're old enough, you should remember this commercial for Chanel No. 5, which makes no sense but is beautiful nonetheless.

@mondeparfait: Well, c'mon, it's not like cow poop is actually going into your lipstick.

If the crew of the Titanic had this on hand, that ship would've never sunk.

@mirolator: most businesses do have their customers' street addresses.

I know how to cure that guy's foot fetish:

You can achieve a similar effect within Photoshop itself. Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic, then define how large you want the cells to be.

I heard about Xobni some time ago, but the question still remains: If you already have Windows Desktop Search, does Xobni offer any additional advantages?

Mostly Google Maps. Street view is handy. Sometimes, though, I supplement with Microsoft Live maps for the bird's eye view.

I guess nobody bothered to read that the article already says Photoshop is better, huh?

Those are all white eggs. Buncha racists.

@musicpup: Grass hides dog poop, another podiatric hazard.

@vamusical: Exactly. It makes no sense at all, and thus we get a glimpse into his logic-free thought process.

McCoy is a bozo. Amidst all the Obama-Lincoln parallels people made after the election, this is what he came up with:

@arodriguez.romero: That's only appropriate, considering that the Reagan administration tried to classify ketchup as a vegetable.

Jackie FTW. Nancy's room looks so...nouveau riche. Overstuffed, florid, and what the hell does she have piled up on that table? A bunch of Hummel figurines?

@theysaidwhat: Well, some people are seeking privacy, but are just too clueless to actually implement it.

@theysaidwhat: Google is good, but it is not all. You probably already know this, but I think it needs to be pointed out explicitly. If the person you're Googling uses different screen names on different sites or message boards, then it's a lot harder to put together, for example, that he may be strict fundamentalist