Claire Buoyant

@batmonkey: I went over to Amazon to check out her book. By the book's design and this turn of words, I think she still lives in 1984.

I dunno. She's not a professional chef (in the "running a restaurant" sense), but It's hard for me to think of a single person who has had more influence over recent American cooking than Julia Child.

@fulanita: What about Lidia Bastianich?

Did Palin start getting crankier right about the time Mrs. Johnston got busted?

@Claire Buoyant: Shit. Jezebel. I don't know where the hell I am.

@sarah.of.a.lesser.god (2009: a space ovumlord): There used to be a store in Houston that sold fossils, and the owner put coprolites on the shelves and windowsill in the bathroom. On one level, I understand that these things have turned to stone and are clean to touch, but still, it felt pretty gross.

In case no one has noticed, probably the only person who gave a real positive review to this toy is getting a smackdown in the comments.

@Stephanie Dawes: That's why I prefer the metric system. I know I'll never see the day, but I sure do wish all our cookbooks and recipes are published in metric.

Is Islamic humor different from American* humor? Because I don't get how those comments are supposed to be funny.

@Chamalla: The magazine has kindly made that story available online, from where you can download the posters as PDF files. Then take'em to your local print shop and get them blown up to poster size for your walls.

Ooh, hey, look, you can see a series of their old seals in the background...

It's astounding to me how some "news" stories can have such a long life span. The Today show revealed the new seal on November 25, and it was discussed by the graphics design community immediately afterward. Anyway, the new mark is indeed very retro, using a typeface based on the work of famous midcentury architect Ric

@CherriSpryte: Supposedly, this is a Redd Foxx joke:

@Gretchen: Heh, great minds think alike. My four major food groups:

@Kathleen Elizabeth: Part of the four major food groups: sugar, fat, caffeine, and alcohol. Not necessarily in that order.