Claire Buoyant

@RisaPlata: Some people are just completely clueless about wild animals. Reminds me of the time I was in a car with my boss when traffic came to a snarl, and as we crawled along we saw the reason — a moose had wandered onto the median and people were stopping, approaching, and taking pictures. When I commented to my

@stealthird: Yeah, I was just going to write that this isn't the first time something like this happened. I guess these people (the panda huggers) don't follow the news, or at least don't learn from it.

What kind of car is that? Why is the door handle up front?

By being a kind leader, you're going to be massively successful.

I don't need kindness. I need respect and honesty.

@Claire Buoyant: Clarification: The 1960-2004 and 2008 maps are from two different sources, and I cobbled them together, but I believe the sites where I got them both have correct data. I didn't generate the maps, not at all.

@thp1723: If we break down county-by-county votes proportionally rather than give all-or-nothing assignments of each county to its vote winner, you'll see that the country is mostly purple. It's easy to see how this makes sense when we consider that, nationally, the votes were split 52.5/46.5 (roughly — too lazy to

@sarrible: Yes, they are very much in the tank. Check this out:

@lizochka: It was 1958, and everyone liked Ike.

I bet Joe the Plumber has lots of crack.

@sequined: Hope they didn't get close enough to take a whiff, 'cuz Sprite don't smell that way.

Yikes. If the excuse is true, I can just imagine the gritted teeth and pained expression while the police officer takes his/her sweet time to write that ticket.

@LaFemme: Think metric. 43 mph = 70 km/h, and 53 mph = 85 km/h.