
When I was 8 I insisted on inviting the boy from my class (who had behavioural problems, due to a poor family life) to my birthday party. Other parents took my mum aside to ask her ‘if she was sure’. My mum was worried and checked with my, and apparently I replied that I knew he didn’t get invited to parties a lot,

Snorted at the doodles but...

Aw that's so cute!!

Why didn't your dad get you?!

I want to share a nice story! Mostly because it’s cute and these days I hate people.

Ew ew ew.

oh wow this made me a little bit weepy.

Lucky escape with the swine flu. A lady down the road from us died from it - 30 years old, emergency c-section because she was so ill. Baby was fine, but she never woke up to see it :(

Single, and in my mid twenties (so, more potential for marriage, I suppose?) and I see this as my future. I'm not even mad, though? At least not at the moment. Apart from sex, I can do all that coupley stuff with my best friends, and I do not possess a giant sex drive anyway.


a lot of effort, but looks like it was fun to make!

Vanessa hudgens?

carry on! Defend, they don't deserve the hate.

I don't know if it's the same in the US, but here you can kinda just 'browse' at make up counters, then when asked if you need help, you can just say that you're interested in trying out their make up but don't know what would suit you. Most MUA then jump at the chance to sit you in a chair. At the end, I get them to

uh ok, I'm a cupboard door person too.

I'm fairly certain that Collins and Evans are both equally famous?

maybe this is me being oblivious to another story involving this guy, but why is this article so negative sounding? I thought it was pretty clear that by 'cloudy' he was referring to how often people think feminists hate men and only promote the rights of women. We all know people who ignorantly cling on to that idea.

I'm still at that stage. I am so anti flirting that I presume anyone who tries flirting with me is doing it as a dare.

We drink because we repress our emotions during undrunk hours.

the little girl is my friends niece :)