
Considering the Queen’s uncle abdicated his throne to marry a divorcée, I’m sure she was ready to move heaven and earth to avoid having her son go down that route. Which he eventually did anyways, and no one gives a flying fuck now. Funny how times change.

too soon.

Charles knew damn well what “in love means.” he just happened to love someone else. I feel kind of sorry for him because the media changed the rules and he was slow on the up-take. In previous times, he would have married Diana, produced the heir, and happily continued to have a not so secret second family that

First photo looks like she just realized she agreed to sleep with Donald Trump to save America.

Ellie, here for you in this trying time but just cause it’s not morning here doesn’t mean it’s not morning wherever Ansel is (heaven).

Yep, for a place where women-hate is condemned, some people seem pretty keen to hate on TS simply because her music isn’t their taste.

It’s relatively recent that they hate her, when her album came out it got good reviews on here.

Taylor is the person who runs her brand. Even if she isn’t great at music (which I disagree, but Jez seems to hate her tunes), she is great at marketing.

Same here. The ability to give $250k is letting Taylor have her cake and eat it too.

I have no idea why you’re addressing your comment to me. I never stated that tweets aren’t supportive of Kesha and could maybe really help in the long run. But that’s not what Demi Lovato’s doing. She using Kesha’s rape to further an agenda thereby revictimizing Kesha, which puts Demi somewhere on the same continuum

The person running Taylor Swift’s brand is Taylor Swift

I’m a fan of both artists, but this shit with Demi is getting to me. In the past, she was vocal about the breakdown of her BFF friendship with Selena and blaming Taylor. Now, Taylor takes Selena to the Grammy’s and Demi is throwing shade? Methinks someone needs to step back and re-evaluate what she is saying and why.

Demi’s not wrong either though.

God forbid that someone actually does something about the situation instead of tweeting about it.

Yeah. I’m pretty ambivalent when it comes to Taylor Swift, but dropping that amount of money on a fellow artist is probably going to help a lot more than some twitter messages. We don’t know how much autonomy she has with her own contract either.

Said this before, saying it again. The fact that Demi is using Kesha’s sexual assault to shade Taylor Swift and continue a feud in her own self-interest is rediculous and not in the best interest of the victim, as it should be.

Geez, Demi.

My sister, her partner, and I went out for Margarita Monday a while back. This sort of thing happened, and I was like ughhhhhh. They were both laughing like no big deal, we get this all the time. I wanted to cut people’s throats and they were dealing with it in their way by laughing and giving people the face. You

It was hibachi so it’s likely he was also their server, there are still the runners, bus people, and the host/ess to consider but even as a former food service person myself I am having a hard time having any sympathy for the restaurant. A server having a bad day is one thing, a server who sexually harasses and makes

It sounds like one of those places where you sit at a grill and the chef cooks for you so he’d be getting the bulk of the tip.