
David, no, not really...

Somewhere in the City of Troy, a weathered bureaucrat puts down his coffee, stares out the window, and says to no one in particular:  “Alright David, you want to dance?  Let’s dance.”

Vincent Vega could have used that red interior

If the environmentalists can stop this, they’ll have done 2 great things for the planet: save part of a rainforest, and prevent another boring Tilke-designed circuit from being built.

The average red delicious sold in a megamart is grown to mature fast, store for a long time, travel a long way, and look nice. They taste terrible.

Having been a carpenter for decades I have to say what the hell is that and what kind of ted bundy level sociopath ordered it? Several prostitutes died in that house guaranteed. 

I moderate a FB group of about 17,500 people. I took the liberty of uploading scanned and OCR’ed PDFs for every single year model of our group’s focus as they’re out of print and there are no authorized reproductions (I specifically disallow full service manuals to be uploaded, as they’re produced under a license and

Yeah, it’s funny how the drive-in’s nearby are doing gangbusters right now. Never thought we would get to that point.

This. I’ll add that here we are seeing numbers spike up to peak levels again (in US). I’d imagine we may go though a couple more waves before a vaccine is available. I personally can’t imagine going into a theatre in April.

Years ago when I had manual-lock vehicles, whenever I went mountain biking I would take just the trunk key off the ring and lock the ring in the trunk.

I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: at some point, we need to get people who don’t give a shit about the environment to also buy EVs. We need to get everyone (or at least most people) driving vehicles that aren’t powered by fossil fuels if we are to have a hope of preserving at least some of the Earth’s

Love how this site has lost so many staffers that a huge chunk of the “staffers” contributing to this roast aren’t even current members of staff.

Now that Andrew is leaving I’m 1 Torchinsky and 1 Tracy away from never visiting this site again

Will the last blogger out the door turn off the lights?

I have long argued that community routes, such as delivery vehicles, sanitation trucks, landscaping companies, local repair outfits, etc — these are all the best use cases for an electric powertrain.

okay so dude spent $45k on the build, had some fun, and now he wants his money back....  yeah, sorry bro, it doesn’t work like that.

Good. So every team won’t be completely dialled in to a track, they won’t know exactly what to expect, they won’t know exactly which tyre to run when or when and where the exact turn marks are... They might even have to *gasp! The horror!!* rely on the raw skill of the driver...! Teams might even get it...wrong!

The way the F1 season has been thrown together, with a mix of the familiar and the unexpected has been the highlight of the season for me. Being able to adapt your car and your driving to a new track has to be a key skill for a top driver, one the F1 circus doesn’t have worry about too many time during the average