
OK. But do you immediately run out to the garage and unload the washer?

I’d much prefer smarter people over smarter electronics.

oh man, i dont even know if i want to correct that.

I’m a computer professional and I won’t allow these “smart” devices into my home, especially things like Alexa. Most appliances will last much longer than the support for their smart features will, leaving owners with a device that might very well become useless, or at least a possible security risk inside of your

Do you have a BMW V12 just hanging in what appears to be your dining room?  If so you are my new hero.

lol, can any writer on this website actually make a decent fucking decision on their cars/bikes? Just blinding and predictable incompetence all around except for maybe Andrew.

“I bought a Volkswagen Tiguan.. for my wife.” You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.

Only one sleeve of Tim tams, though. 

I once got to direct a video shoot with Mr. Jackson and we needed him to say a bunch of lines. And I could tell he didn’t really want to be there (he did it for free...long story) so to break the monotony, I got the idea to nervously ask him “Uh...Sam, could you read the line we’ve written and then maybe, could you do

The only American F1 team ever fielding a Mexican and a Russian driver, respectively, would be absolutely hilarious in the current domestic political climate.


The secret track was most famously used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was trying to hide the paraplegia that resulted from him contracting.

The problem is that it takes a decade or develop brand recognition in a new place (or even for a new product). It’s like KIA attempting to compete with BMW with the Stinger. It’s not going to sell well initially, but if they keep putting out a very good product, over time perceptions will shift.

Well, you did click on an article with Harley Davidson in the title.

well, that’s BS. Are you telling me that if I filled up a plastic milk jug with gasoline, stuffed a rag in the top, lit it, and threw it in your kitchen window, it wouldn’t burn your house to the ground?

Tuna is expensive. The police should show more appreciation for the support.

Hey burner account. It wasnt self defense. Ive watched the videos. A 17yo wasnt legally allowed to own that rifle being a minor nor were they allowed to carry it across state lines.

I think we need to call the plastic ones “Florida Jaeger Bombs” or “Derp Grenades” or something that more accurately describes the level of moronic intoxication of their assemblers.

There will, of course, be those who prefer to pretend the election doesn’t exist and instead live in a fictional world where Bartlet is still monologuing about national parks or something.

Pleasantly surprised to find this worked out well.