
Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

Meh, it’s just his head. Maul lost half his body and came back!

Influencer, is a polite term for narcissist. Avoid them at all costs.

Five American dollars says her doctor said no such fucking thing. 

My mother is thankfully somewhat aware and agrees with me that the US has done a (purposefully) shameful job containing the virus. However, when I told her “you know, we can’t even leave the country right now because no country will allow us to travel there, places like Canada.” There was a couple of beats where it

If she didn’t know that everyone else knows the United States is a complete, incompetent mess at this pandemic, she wasn’t paying attention!”

Because the usual top 3 were out of contention. You eliminate Hamilton, Bottas and Verstappen, suddenly you have an interesting race.

I got through about 10 and realized I was not meant to take this test. I would feel bad if I got any of them right other than by chance.

You’ve probably here this before but you're really missing out by not watching Clone Wars or Rebels

Americans are more disconnected from how their food actually gets made than any other people in the history of the world.

It’s got a cop motor, a 130 kilowatt plant, it’s got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks...

My home page for nigh on 20 years...  about:blank

Why do people keep so many tabs open? I might have 10 open, tops. And that’s on a busy day. Right now I have 7 - Gmail, Feedly, this page, Facebook, a Verge page I forgot to close, Reddit and Google Drive.

Do people keep 50 tabs open to look for news from sites? You guys know that’s what RSS is for right?

Too bad Google did away with iGoogle 7 years ago. I haven’t found anything better as a start page. Using now, along with CNN, Weather Underground, Gmail.

Why are you surprised that receptionists at random hair salons are not wasting their time entertaining a random phone caller’s random questions about extensions at the RNC?

Now THAT’s a hot dog sandwich. No others need (or DOES) apply.

The rhetoric of female trauma in Virginia Woolf's novels!

Stay safe, I’m glad to see you were mostly prepared. At least one side of the border is taking things seriously.
Since you have nothing but time on your hands I fully expect a personalized response to every post in this thread, plus 15,000 - 20,000 word articles three times a day between now and the 8th, thanks!

But do NOT go to the dealer with the car you just bought. Borrow a friend’s car.

You spelled Dodge wrong