
It’s even dumber VW didn’t make their diesel cars compatible with the larger nozzles. 

Every team’s job is to make their car as fast as it can be. If the best way to do that is by copying Mercedes, why not do that? 

A good metric is, if you can yell at a clerk about having to wear a mask, you can definitely wear a mask.

I find the whole “medical exemptions to mask wearing” thing over the top. I never even knew that was a thing until I saw it mentioned in US news outlets.

Are there really people with “health conditions who cannot wear masks”? Or is that just a whiny excuse people give? Until I see some evidence otherwise, I’m going to assume they’re just being babies.

Rule no. one for suburban landscaping: GET ROCKS.

Wow - dunno how many friends I’ll win over with this thought, but if I were your neighbor, I’d have reported you to the city too.

If only you put as much effort into following local laws as you do improving vehicles that you don’t even own.

Why is Bing as the default search an issue?

Didn’t notice a thing.

They actually explained it when they made the change. They were paying $400 per vehicle for that color, but then also losing another $1,000 or so at resale, because at the time, nobody wanted that color. So they basically paid for the color twice. Not insignificant considering the size of the fleet.


Maybe I just don’t “get it”, but I am so over how much power Ferrari wields in F1. They’re not holding up the agreement this time, but keeping the veto is dumb. I feel that Ferrari needs F1 as much or more than F1 needs Ferrari. Why they still get such preferential treatment is beyond me. F1 knows more about their

It’s a goddamn tragedy USFS retired the color and uses plain old white now... Why can’t we have nice things???

A true west wing fan!

What!? Are you trying to tempt the wrath of the whatever high atop the thing!..?!

No, GM loves making money, like most companies. What they hate is spending money, and they refuse to accept what their competitors have learned: doing one often requires the other.

The headlining picture looks to be a Trailblazer, not a Blazer.

Ah. I have seen these, but still didn’t make the connection. I assumed the joke was regarding the rainbowness of the cake, not the cake itself.

I am not sure what this means, but can we get some more Changli videos?