
“...on his way to pick up an insurance card, and later to look for fossils...”

How in God’s name do you find these??? I swear to God, if you pick three words at random, $kay can find a picture relevant to it. That’s the craziest skill.

Then we all remember the Queen of the Ring emasculating dudes and their egos passing super bikes and porsches in a transit van with a scared Hamster in tow.

please dreamers don’t waste my time add is self explanatory,

I still have them all....

Is it ok that I still have these two sets and the instructions?

The weight is always placed on the axels, bruh.

These people have all been fired.

“Who’d of thought.” I normally refrain from commenting on this sort of thing. But since you write professionally, I think you were after “Who’d have thought?” here.

“So what can I say except “You’re welcome”” —Dwayne Johnson

Have you flown British Airways recently ? Unless you are in Business (sorry, Club World) they are indeed “potato ranked”.

I don’t think anyone got the joke

Yes. Decidedly. Watched initially and then just couldn’t any more. Total trainwreck.

We non-New Yorkers understand the complaining, but New York doing things badly isn’t news to us.

“ . . tainted the reputation of motorsports”, you say?

clearly a 1.5 PSI tire pressure difference was the cause because some producer used an analog tire gauge to check the pressure that day, hopefully clarkson can find the producer and take care of him, also I’m pretty sure that’s a lambo

This is hilarious since this is the same organization that lets Maldonado race.

I like how you try to separate yourself from the problem. You bring the pitchfork people out this is what happens, take some responsibility. Don’t act like none of your readers did this i’m sure some did. Maybe you should understand a little bit about what your article do. Grow up and take some damn responsibility.

Indy is still Grade 1.

Will passing be added to F1? That would help make it more interesting to Americans.