
  This is bordering on LARPing.  And I fucking love it!!!

“I’m stuck in a situation where I have to stay with my family because I’m paying for all these lawsuits and I can’t afford to do that...but they’re cucked,”

> and frequently do that thing where you go one way down a dungeon and after like twenty seconds go “wait, I think this is the critical path, let’s check the other route to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”

Ah yeah, the best Lex Luthor returns! And his sweet custom desk. Top dollar.

As I have Jewish family, I kinda feel obligated to say nah, we’re not there yet.

“If you wanted rights, maybe be born in America with white skin next time.”

A bit of further editorial: Releasing a game is not an apolitical act. Games say things and the things they say often reflect the values of their creators. Intentional or otherwise, conscious or unconscious. Games are released within certain contexts as well; what artists decide to make, says something about their

Appropriate given that, 74 years ago today, a good number of chaps ran briskly onto a beach, yelled something along the lines of “Nazis need no bathing fun!” and then shot them in the face.

in case there is any doubt as to where I stand on this—and I may write about it at more length later—I think this whole thing is a TERRIBLE idea

Which, in the context of the first film actually makes a lot of sense. The world that the LEGO characters inhabited was a very ordered society that had strict adherence to the “instructions” and order established by the father character played by Will Ferrell. The ending of the LEGO movie explicitly states that the

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

So... um...

Now playing

Good thing there’s a better book choice out there for all of us, just in time for Easter-

demonstrating appropriate “moral character.”

To anyone wondering how she got licensed to practice law in California:

The below is from an NPR interview of commentator Aaron Freeman: 

Here lies the body of Mary Lee; died at the age of a hundred and three. For fifteen years she kept her virginity; then I grabbed her by the pussy.  

It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.

I am so looking forward to you playing this game.