The beautiful irony of it all is that Trump is now (wrongly) claiming that he is a victim of the EXACT THING that republicans and him did to Obama and Clinton for years and are partially continuing to do to this day.
The beautiful irony of it all is that Trump is now (wrongly) claiming that he is a victim of the EXACT THING that republicans and him did to Obama and Clinton for years and are partially continuing to do to this day.
German here, halfway through the article I realized why this looked so familiar: Several of the doctors I’ve been to in my youth had (and probably still have) big version of Kahn’s works hanging in the waiting room. They always captivated me to no end because they made something incredibly complex and hard to grasp…
I think to an extent thats the point. Try to look at it from their perspective. Remember, everyone is the hero of their own story. If we just (rightfully) label those people as evil and bad and everything else you (accuratly) listed, we will likely overlook what turned them that way, and how they became what they…
Nice! I could see some of those in a new Bravely Default/Second/Whatever they call it this time. Damn, the first picture already looks like a class-selection!
Oh god yes! One of my biggest wishes for BotW was to have Link and Zelda travel together with Character switching/optional Coop gameplay. You can imagine my excitement when the trailers showed us Link and Zelda traveling side by side through Hyrule. I was heartbroken when it turned out that EVERY SINGLE SCENE was…
Always relevant (and in desperate need of a continuation!) :
Okay, I am having a weird experience right now. I dont own a Switch yet, despite Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, BotW (I own the Wii U Version) and all those other gems. Having a Wii U and a lot of games that I would have to buy again, I always had this “well, I am gonna get one... at some point down the line”-attitude. I…
Funny thing that you ask about voting in Germany, because our system sounds like it could solve a lot of the problems you guys seem to have, including the imaginary i.e. voter fraud. Heres a quick rundown of how I voted in the election last year:
The biggest problem imho is that many, including a lot of not-Trump-loyalists, are excusing the whole thing because its not (yet) on the level of Hitler and the Nazis as we know them best, meaning at their worst. Its this idea that its unfair to compare them to the Nazis because they havent murdered several millions…
Point taken, WW2 is probably not the best example. Then again, the whole point of all those reforms in Germany was to make sure we realize it when shit like this happens again and are able to stop it in time. Its just that nobody ever assumed that the roles would be reversed. This is actually what really disturbed me…
Well actually, we got our reckoning in part thanks to you. It was after all the US and the Allies that decided how to rebuild Germany after WW2 and how to reeducate us and confront us with the horrors we were complicit with. It’s easy taking pride in how germany deals with its Nazi past, except that a: we didnt manage…
I feel with you. Its bad.
But, looking on the bright side, if we all survive this, it could help to finally change the US for the better. Trump personifies the US’s biggest problems in an almost cartoonishly extreme manner, from racism and misoginy to income inequality and dangerous nationalism and more. If you survive…
Always appropriate / relevant:
This sounds equally insane and awesome! My favorite is much simpler an in line with what I mentioned above: If Zelda is so powerful, why rely on Link, who in most cases still has to learn how to be a hero? Imagine a Zelda game that starts pretty standard, like OoT or TP, except when you/Link finally learn about the…
Sorry to disagree here, but I am a lifelong fan of the Zelda games and I would kill for one that gives Zelda a better/bigger role. In general, she usually is the one to solve the problem by blasting it with some big deus ex machina magic, so why isnt she out there helping & saving the world with Link from the very…
Ok yeah, the design looks pretty dang awesome. Also, am I the only one who was kinda reminded of Aqualad from Young Justice?
I studied Game Design in Germany until recently. During that time my team and I developed a simple first person game inspired by Hemingways “A Farewell to Arms”. It was mostly a “Walking Simulator” with some riddles and puzzles here and there. But we also added a lot of collectibles that referenced parts and…
What annoys me the most about all of this is the fact that the Pokemon games for DS, as in the fourth Generation: Diamond, Perl, Platin; have voice chat and I only noticed years later because I never was able to play online back then.
Again, to repeat: Nobody really used it, but the fourth Generation of Pokemon which…