I’ll just quote Stephen Colbert:”Angry Neck witch Ears, Sean Spicer...”
Looking at the photographs above I can see where this is coming from...
I’ll just quote Stephen Colbert:”Angry Neck witch Ears, Sean Spicer...”
Looking at the photographs above I can see where this is coming from...
While I see why people like them, Awakening and the Oracle games never got that far in my list. They are just a bit to convoluted and random at times, especially if you try to figure out in which order to play/replay/ switch codes between the oracle games.
I know I am going to get a lot of hate for it, but I adore…
Concerned & confused european here: The Donald just admitted that he does not pay income tax. I know very little about the american tax system, but here in good old germany thats considered criminal, and a politican doing that would be called to court the next day while his campaign goes up in flames. So whats going…