
You know mermaids are fantasy creatures, right?

Do you think commas and apostrophes are woke too? And proper syntax? And not saying stupid things?

It’s also fun asking pro-life people to explain Numbers 5 which is the section about Jewish priests “testing” unfaithful wives by giving them a concoction that induces a miscarriage. Can’t waste that valuable Bronze Age gestation time to raising the wrong dude’s kid!

The GOP has gone from a party where Reagan had once expressed a desire to have a guest worker program so people on both sides of the US/México border could work in either country to now where pointing out the border is not like the Jerusalem scene from World War Z is considered heresy.  It’s been hijacked by people

You sound like a slightly younger version than myself. For perhaps 6 months of my life I considered myself a libertarian. That six months happened to coincide with the 2000 presidential election, the first I would be old enough to participate in. I voted for Bush and, once I started talking to friends who were

I used to think I was a conservative in the libertarian grain of “I don’t care if gay people can get married, just don’t tax me”. I stomached voting for McCain despite Palin, but as the party moved further and further away from reality and into conspiracy theories, I just couldn’t justify supporting the Christian

My parents had a good friend, a guy they knew for years - decades even. He’d always been Republican, but the few times they discussed politics, the disagreements were over things like “was the Iraq war a good idea” and of course taxes. Then one evening, this “friend” broadly declared “every Arab should be killed.” My

I don’t understand why someone feels the need to take it that far. What do you get out of that other than some deranged sense of power...I may have just answered my own question. Fucking terrifying. 

Sadly, and yes I’m about to generalize, I feel like 95% of the time the people who do that are part of the cult of

I have been tempted to swoop into my community Facebook group and just respond to folks who are clearly MAGA that “Trump lost”, even if the post has nothing to do with the election. Folks still whining about masks, about the virus being an exaggerated hoax, about not being able to get their hair cut, etc.

I love it when RWNJs point me to articles on medium as proof of anything. I tell them “That’s self-published. There’s no editorial control or validating research built into medium, you can say anything there.” and I usually get back a “Oh, well where do you get your facts?” and I say “... the Economist, the LA Times,

There’s a reason they do all that projection.

My favourite response when you ask them for evidence is ‘ do your own research, sheep.’

That is literally the defense that’s been given in numerous criminal cases when MAGAts have gotten caught voting twice or otherwise committing vote fraud: they think Democratic voters are doing it left and right, so they have to fight back.

I had a troll insist that Newsmax and OAN were real sources.  

I keep seeing GOP comment trolls say “The DEMS did it first and that’s how they stole the election!”

The ol’ “It was a joke!” story. This guy’s stand-up routine ain’t worth the two-drink minimum. But seriously folks...this guy needs to be prosecuted! And what’s the deal with fascist voter fraud schemes, amirite? Heyooooo!

GA was ALWAYS Batman with a bow.

When people say that, aren't they just referring to Holland's performance and not the movies themselves? Personally, I think the bigger grievance is how reliant on Stark technology they made him.

how damn hard it is to keep being both a superhero and a regular Joe who needs to pay bills.

The ‘90s animated Spider-Man series is pretty much exactly what you’re describing.