Suck It, Trebek

I liked the jazz station, too, but I felt like the singing helped drown out the sounds of my awful coworkers so I needed the little extra somethin’! Ha. There were a few Pandora stations I rotated that were generally the same genre but enough variety I wouldn’t get too bored. Mostly jazz, standards, and stuff that

I worked at a law firm with a mostly elderly clientele, and we liked to have music in the lobby just as nice ambiance and also to drown out the sound of legal assistants having confidential conversations (whose great idea was it to have cubicles instead of offices?). The owners wanted me to play this idiotic spa music

I agree in principle but from what I inferred (and I admit this is a HUGE assumption on my part so spare me the lecture) it’s not just the roommates, but it’s how he lives. When Brandon said “like a 22 year old” to me that means like a slovenly pig, and THAT is where the girlfriend might have had issue. The place

Even Royals fans can’t get the facts straight. A woman I don’t even know just tried to tell me that the Royals beat the Giants in the world series last year. Oh honey. No.

Yeah, THAT was jumped out at me. Roommates? OK...? A minivan? No way. He should be on suicide watch.

You are so right - thank you! Wow, I feel 100% better. Especially since I live on the top floor of our building so if a car came crashing through the bedroom it would probably be the Dukes of Hazzard or something - what a treat!

Wow, what a thoughtful response.

No, I get it. And I just wanted to make it clear that I’m not advocating being anxious, just curious. I appreciate the kindness because now the “Jesus, don’t be such a drama queen are you also afraid of a plane falling out of the sky LOL?” brigade is out and I am fresh out of fucks.

To be fair, I’m not saying anyone else should stay home, just sharing my own personal anxiety and wondering if anyone else thinks twice. It’s not like I quit my job or don’t grocery shop or don’t socialize. Most of my fear comes from worrying about my family, honestly.

Stay safe!

Yep. My brother is in 5th grade and I have gone to his school, where there is, like, zero security. Which is also a ridiculous thing to expect of a SCHOOL.

I’ve always been a “back to the wall” sitter and joke that my Sicilian roots mean I have mafia instincts. My stepdad always taught me to scan spaces for a makeshift weapon (we’re a gun-free family) and while I’m still going places and seeing friends (mostly in each other’s homes), I still get anxious making plans for

Oh no. :|

Yes and yes. Sigh.

FWIW, I worked as a clinic escort and felt safe...but our protestors were old busy-bodies who couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag, let alone lift a gun. Our clinic was also across the street from the police station so were regularly “patrolled” AND we had an armed guard so...

Same here. I was just commenting to someone else that we took my little brother to Star Wars and I basically had an escape plan, part of which included telling my husband to just run and not look back because we’d meet up later. That’s normal, yes? I also do this at restaurants, which means a lot of really chill date

Oh no! How terrifying. I’m glad it was a false alarm but how awful that this is where our heads are.

Oh god, I feel you. My husband and I took my little brother (he’s 10) opening weekend and I told my husband if anything started going down, to run toward the exit and don’t look back. A security guard of all people scared the shit out of me a third of the way through the movie when he casually walked in and started

It’s so awful, isn’t it? Why should we have to adjust our behavior and life...this isn’t freedom! I’m a fucking prisoner because I’m scared all the time.

Yep, I refuse to go to the movies, I am terrified every day my brother is at school (he’s a lot younger), my dad works for a major sports team and I freak out when he’s at the stadium (he’s also disabled so escaping wouldn’t exactly be easy/swift for him), my stepdad is a university professor and has to do active