Probably on the rag too, amirite???
Probably on the rag too, amirite???
Very true! It’s shitty leadership with a side of yes men. Awful.
Seriously. Schmee is such a dumb-dumb.
I’m fascinated that she’s been able to express herself so well, but that probably has a lot to do with having a family that doesn’t freak out. My cousin has told me she had similar thoughts as a small child, but also got kicked out of a church camp for playing with the girl clothes in the dress up/costume box and my…
This just made me laugh so hard. Thank you for that.
My dad is on Family #2 right now and has had to suffer through all this shit in his 50s/60s and it’s fucking hilarious to watch the man who took me to see Rocky IV (gotta love divorced dad weekend activities) and never let me have a say about what music we listened to until I got some fucking taste just go catatonic…
Do not take a toddler to Disney. It’s toddler friendly and all that, but Jesus it’s a lot of money for something a kid won’t remember, really.
I would sooner let my (hypothetical) kid watch Scarface on a loop than one episode of Caillou.
Oof, yeah. Of course at the time when I voiced concerns she had excuses and there was also a “You’ve never been in a serious relationship, you don’t understand!” brush off, so keep checking in and be available for if/when she is ready to talk.
That’s what always gets me: how the lawful gun owners freak out like Obama personally knocked on their door, asked them to hand over the guns, and took them away. That’s...not what is happening, nor is it what he’s proposing.
I don’t know why the image of a guy pulling out and going for your nightstand makes me laugh so hard but it does.
Really? Because this is exactly what I expected them to look like,
Heh, “do do.”
Out of a can, of course. This isn’t the White House.
Holy shit.
Oh yeah, I was so afraid of the “failure” of another break up. Of people wondering what the hell is wrong with me and why can’t I just settle down I mean, I’m 30 - the clock is ticking and it’s not so cute to be single anymore (Ugh, so awful - I know) and who wants to start over?
Same here. It’s horrifying that his has happened/is happening to so many and comforting that I/we’re not alone or crazy. You’re going to be better than OK. Really.
Oh yes, “I’ve never laid a hand on you!” Oh, well then I must be crazy to leave! You cheated on me with multiple women (not using protection, so thanks for exposing me to god-knows-what), told me no one else would ever put up with me and my family, would drink for hours and then rail at me about all the sacrifices…
It’s impressive, really.