
This is great - thank you! I'm really only interested in web applications, but I see the appeal of perl. But then I see applications like Facebook and Wordpress are PHP-based and I wonder if I should learn that since I know HTML and I already have a basic understanding of PHP. Thanks for the tutorial though - Ill

Thanks! I learned Java in college, but that was a long time ago, but I've heard the same thing that javascript is a great place to build a foundation.

Hey Alan, so I want to learn how to code web applications. I know HTML/CSS, but want to invest a lot of time learning a more comprehensive language. Should I buckle down and learn Javascript, or spend time reading as much as I can on PHP, or RoR?

Love the sales pitch at the end - very clever! This is a great idea, thanks!

I know I've posted this a couple times before, but I have to keep trying right? My startup is trying to crowd-fund a concert series on Kickstarter. We have 11 hours left and we're only at 75%, so please check it out (I'm sure you'll enjoy our pitch video), and consider donating or hitting the Like button. Thanks

Nice timing with the Facebook Messenger app...

K thnx, please fly up to Chicago for the air show this weekend.

Apple will pay as much for air conditioning that place as it will cost to build and rent the space... imagine the hot Southern California sun burning down on those already-hot macbook pros...

Wow, this is so smart... although do they really need to do something like this to attract more customers? We're already inside drinking their coffee and using their free wifi... this seems like a "delight the customer" move.

It almost looks like HDR cinematography... the glowing of the city is so cool looking! Maybe it's just the smog :)

Love this post - now can you do the EXACT same thing for Geek Tool for Mac?

So can you only stream over LAN or can I stream from my iMac at home to my iPad at a hotel on wifi? If not, then Stream2Me seems to be a better app...

Yeah I'm seeing the same thing in Firefox... too bad, I wish I could have those links (mail, contacts, inbox, sent, etc...) located up on top so that the inbox could have a column all the way on the left, preview pane in the middle, and the entire right side for chat. So, basically three scrollable vertical columns.

That will be helpful only when Apple provides fullscreen on multiple monitors. It's so ridiculous you can only have one fullscreen app open when connected to an external monitor!

Can we get tabs above the url bar on the same line as the min/max/close buttons in OS X? The titlebar is so useless and wastes space - so many other applications have controls on the same line as the window controls, so I hope firefox makes this change.

Sphere, not Jurassic park.

Happy Friday all! So I've got a Kickstarter campaign going and was hoping it might interest a few of my fellow LH readers. Although a donation would be awesome, it would be equally awesome if you could hit the Like button. Supposedly Kickstarter looks at Facebook Like usage in combination with number of backers and

+1 for Divvy - I love it and will probably pay the $13 for it at some point.

Nah, step 1 should be:

Honestly, I think natural scrolling makes a lot of sense once you give it a few days of converting yourself... moving between PC and Mac is a bitch, though, so if you do that often, stick with "unnatural" scrolling :)