
I bet you could figure out a way to get a micro-USB to fit one of those lightening bolt clips. They're not that much different in terms of size...

+1 for Kuvva!

Thanks everyone - I just turned it off in the accessibility settings!

Andreas - I completely agree with you. When the first Droid came out, I jumped ship and loved tweaking the hell out of it. But then I realized that I had invested a lot in the iOS app market and missed a lot of the apps I used to have. So, I came back to Apple and have been using an iPhone ever since. The problem

I wish they'd allow us to turn off the parallax effect... it basically just blurs 640x1136 images since it enlarges them past the edge of the screen. And, it's just a waste of processing bandwidth...

The fact that the checkmark inside the cloud icon doesn't meet the curvature of the cloud kills me on the inside... shift it down a couple pixels already! Aside from that, this looks pretty nice and very similar to Clear... but I think I'll stick with Wunderlist for now.

So yeah I definitely used Photoshop to add the crazy colors, but here you can see the original... notice the humidity allowed for the sun to cast the incredible shadows from the buildings - no editing needed for that :)

Just took this over this past weekend - whatcha think?

This is kinda how I've been looking at this video too...

Just look at Dribbble - all of us designers are in an uproar over how inconsistent and downright awful those icons are.

I've been looking for this forever. Kayak's is pretty nice, but I'm a big Southwest supporter, so I'm happy to see they have it!

I'm four episodes in and it's like the actors are there, but the jokes are missing. Sounds like I need to watch all of it to see how the jokes land later in the season.

Hilarious, but in all seriousness, you should go for the Creative Cloud option - it's $49 per month and you get every single Adobe application as well as a ton of other useful services, like TypeKit.

Mac version before this deal runs out?

This is usefule - thanks for sharing! Now, why the hell do I always have to tap on Traffic each time I open the damn app? Why can't it remember my last setting? So frustrating... at least give me the option to always show traffic...

Rather than a four-sided pyramid, how about you make it a cone so that all angles work? Software should distort the picture being reflected from below...

Awesome, more fragmentation is exactly what I've been asking for!

Casey - this is actually incorrect. I'm the PM at Peapod and we had the first electronic coupon (as a banner ad) back in 1991. Here is a screenshot (well a photo of a screen since you couldn't take screenshots back then :)

Thanks everyone! I have no need for 6.1.1 so I'll just wait until they crack 6.2! Auxo, Winterboard, Unfold, and Springtomize 2 - wow, I've missed a lot over the past two years.

Sorry, just saw this. Man, I miss the old LH/GZ commenting system... I rarely ever comment anymore because of this shit.