
Has anyone used sugarsync to keep an itunes library synced on two machines? I want to point both of my iTunes to one shared library that constantly stays updated.

Which font is being used in the screenshot?

I don't think I'll ever stop buying photo apps.

Will Lifehacker have a new weekly post called "Pimp my Desktop" where commenters can try to help disorganized individuals get their desks/offices in order? I'd like that

Too bad it wont even fit in my case... But if it destroys Crysis 2, I may have to whip out the Dremel and do some hardware modifications of my own...

I've been wanting to move from Firefox to Chrome for a variety of reasons, but I was hoping Lifehacker would do a detailed comparison of Chrome vs Firefox 4 when it comes out. If Ffox 4 stays competitive with Chrome in terms of performance and native features, I may stick with it.

This might end up being a long comment, but it's worth it (for me to vent). About 6 months after my wife and I closed on our condo (mortgage with Bank of America), the rates plummeted, so we looked into refinancing. The easiest way was to go through Bank of America, so we were told to wait until the HASP program

Inception was the best movie I've ever seen, and that came out last year. If one fantastic movie is made every year with a bunch of filler shit, I'm fine with it. There are always Indie and Documentary films if you want to watch something truly creative: Snagfilms


I just downloaded it and for me it was Free - they must be doing a promotion

Your router should be able to broadcast both N and G. I have both in my house, each one named differently. My N-enabled devices connect using N, while devices restricted to G connect that way. If your router doesn't support broadcasting both, just stick with G.

Looking to buy a huge external HDD... any recommendations? I'm looking for 2-3TB that is mac compatible (will be used for Time Machine). My iMac may not have USB 3.0, but my PC does, so that is something to consider. Also, i may format 66% of the drive as HFS for Time Machine and the other 33% as NTFS for PC. Is

Also - I'm confused about what MacDropAny does. This is what I think happens:

Bah! This is exactly what I want, but I want it to work properly with iPhoto '11. I wish Dropbox just supported the ability to keep folders/app packages sync'd without the need to upload to Dropbox's servers.

That's genius - let me know if you get that working. I assume the optical drive is connected via SATA? I wish the iMacs came with an eSATA port so we could connect SSDs externally... would be so much easier.

Nah, Wunderlist FTW

@ridered: I think physiology won't be your problem - it will be psychology. Teaching an 86 year old how to use even the easiest gadget is a daunting/frustrating task. Then again my 81/82 year old grandparents are beyond tech illiterate.

@KyleUndefined: I haven't used a PogoPlug or Rsync, but I've heard good things about rsync. Do you like your Pogoplug? I'm considering it...