
@chiruanna: Also, faster HDDs have a higher risk of failing, so over time the slower ones will win out!

@chiruanna: Definitely more capacity. With SSDs coming down in price, getting a MUCH faster drive will be cheap. I would keep the slow but large HDD for archiving. Upgrade to an SSD in the next year or two for your primary HDD...

So, I have a website idea that requires:

I wish I could assign specific numbers to each of my messages. For instance, I text my wife "Be there in 5 minutes" all the time... I wish I didn't have to then type her name everytime I use Quicky! to send the message...

I click on ads on purpose for free sites just to give them $$$... I could care less about the Windows Phone, but I'll still click on it for you LH guys/gals.

@Nitesh!: I thought the latest Handbrake release included queuing videos for conversion... maybe update the software?

@nka: I have an Air-O-Swiss humidifier and its fantastic - I highly recommend it. I live in Chicago where it's incredibly dry in the winter. Get the ultrasonic variety - it vaporizes the water so you can actually see the humidity entering the room.

@Jesse Teeters: Totally agree. I also hate that the link in the header is for Jalopnik and not Lifehacker. I wish we could choose which Gawker links we want up there in our account settings

@CamJN: I did the EXACT same thing. So my flickr username is ckcallen and I have all my pictures associated with that account. I then saw you could link Y! account to Google, so I did that. Unfortunately, it made me pick a new username, so I picked ckcallen1. Once I was done with that, I ended up just having two

Anyone have any experience with Squarespace? I'm extremely interested in their end-to-end service, but I wanted to hear from you guys/gals. I have experience developing static sites from scratch, but limited javascript/PHP experience.

I really wish you could install Dropbox server on your desktop so that you could sync files outside of the 2GB limit. The desire is still there to purchase a plan though, since none of those files will be backed up to the cloud...

@Nefilim: Thanks! My settings were: 11mm @ f/9 @ ~2 minute exposure with my Nikon D90 + Tamron 11-16mm lens. I was using my remote, so the 2 minutes is approximate. Edited with Lightroom...

@#16 for the win: Well, for me the problem was the amount of light emanating from the city. The ones you see above had almost pitch-black situations where there weren't bright lights that would 'take over' the shot. My settings were: 11mm @ f/9 @ 2 minute exposure with my Nikon D90 + Tamron 11-16mm lens.

I was going to submit this, but it ended up just being a night-shot looking like night.

Does that include the wifi hotspot functionality? That would be very appealing...

Pandora FTW

This is the best 'Official' iPhone/iPod/iPad icon template I've found: []

So should I drop Path for Instagram?

@H.R.Pufnstuf: Total agreement there. That being said, some of these "roughing the passer" calls are complete shit, especially when you see who they're against. I wonder who's had the most this year - my money's on Peyton and Brady (still respect the shit out of both of them).

@Dinosaur!: Damn man. I never had complete memory loss. I just lose vision and get a migrane. I've been knocked out like 3 times, but always black-in with my memory intact. I think maybe the two of us should go get an MRI/CAT scan for good measure....