
@Dinosaur!: Yeah those old Cascade helmets sucked... super comfortable and light, but didn't do anything to protect the brain box. My bro plays for Duke and uses the Brine Triumph (something like that) and he likes it.

@H.R.Pufnstuf: Haha, thanks but like I said above, I've had 7 small-medium concussions. I've only been knocked out like 3 times (2 lax, 1 snowboarding), the others I just lose all peripheral vision and get a massive migraine. I hope they incorporate this helmet design into lacrosse helmets...

@Rocket Dan: Well, I've had 7 small-medium concussions. I think Steve Young had 7 major concussions before he retired.

Seems like a lot of commenters haven't actually played football. A large portion of concussions occur from the head hitting the ground, not an opposing player. Take away the helmet, and pretty much 100% of those head-to-ground hits will result in a concussion.

Hammer tech

Southwest FTW! I'll take a shittier, pricier flight just so I can take a Southwest. I'm as devoted to SW as I am to AAPL.

@Nitesh: No, I understand looking at the milky way is like looking towards the edge of a plate if you're pov is directly in the middle. My question is why it is really bright in the center (horizontally)?

@Nitesh: WOW. Stupid question - why is it lighter in the center of the milky way in this photo?

@Jesse Scroggins: Just say that you took them last week in your description. As long as you're honest, I'm sure everyone here would love to see them!

@Phate: True true - I doubt they can afford that. Then again, they could give Droid users the same option by increasing their contract another 2 years... which is in their best interest.

@bombastinator: Does seem silly, but those two features together are worth $250 to me (in early termination fees).

@acidrain69: No need for the sled - my 360 doesn't move much :) Thanks for letting me know about this - it was so easy to get working and now I have all my old games! I owe you like 500 hours of my life.

I'm torn - if VZ offers unlimited data for $30 INCLUDING hotspot functionality, I'm find missing out on the next gen iPhone this summer so I can get on the VZ network now. I'd also save money going back to my family's family plan on VZ (I left for iPhone 4).

Give that man a Klondike bar...

@AmphetamineCrown: Hahaha. In my experience it's hit or miss. For most fruit, Peapod is really great (although most are unrip, but that can be solved with a brown paper bag). Veggies usually are pretty good, but you do get the occasional bad head of lettuce... I stick with the packaged salad bags for that. The

My NY resolution last year was to lose some excess weight and build muscle. Sound familiar? I'm actually impressed how well I did over the course of the year. I didn't set any month-to-month or day-to-day goals, I simply told myself to go to the gym as much as possible even if it was for 5 minutes. Getting

@acidrain69: Wait so you had an old 120gb HDD that used to attach on the top of the old 360, and you were able to take that HDD out and put it in the 4GB model? Awesome! I have the 4GB model but I simply bought a usb stick for added space. I still have my 120gb HDD from my old Elite and would much prefer using

@John Steele: If you're an assault rifle guy like myself, buy the Famas as soon as you can and outfit it as you like. The other assault rifles leading up to it aren't that great (except for M16 which is triple-shot, not auto). For perks, I use lightweight, warlord, and second chance. Get the reflex site and added

@MagicMT: I'm reading Timothy Ferris' book "Four Hour Body" and it's great so far. He's been featured here (which you probably already know). Anyways, diet is more important than the gym in my opinion.

Happy New Year to all. Just wanted to alert everyone to two apps I've been involved with over the last few months. First of all Peapod (online grocery delivery) announced their iPad version of the app. Also, SnagFilms (online documentary and independent films) announced their iPad app yesterday. They're both