
Here are my wallpapers on Interfacelift:

Finally, a sweet looking laptop in black brushed aluminum! I've been waiting for this for a long time.

@Mike Cerm: Yeah, isn't it 5GB? I'm already at 4 with Dropbox and I'm hoping my bug report will gain another few GBs.

Buying immediately

@eswagg1: Nice work - I'm a sucker for gradients with noise too. The only thing I don't like is the tan text below the dock... what's up with that?

Wow, Mot is losing so much money they can't hire a better CG studio? So I take it they'll be taking Honeycomb and customizing it? Great more fragmentation and let's not forget how wildly successful Motoblur was...

I would pay $20 a month for Dropbox's service if it were 500GB, not 100GB. That way I could fit my entire music and photo collection.

It would be awesome if Nikon could add this to their viewfinders... grid view and fibonacci view! At least add it to Live View on the LCD...

I wish there was a way I could virtualize Internet Explorer. That is literally the only thing I use VMWare for on my Mac (there are certain intraweb web applications that are IE only).

@TurboFool: I see what you mean. Its like, even if we can put the atoms in place, we can't determine the 'direction' there going. You can't just pause a brain, replicate it, and push play on the new one, even if it's made of the exact same components.

@SkaHimself: I'm exactly the same way. It's ridiculous, but whatever - storage is cheap!

@forevermac: What conversion method do you use with RipIt?

@somidscr21: Yeah I guess if DVDs are 480p natively, there is literally no reason to upscale during the conversion process since any device I play it on will up-scale accordingly. Maybe I'll just rip a DVD at 480p to conserve space and let the device handle the up-scaling.

@GreasyPig: Well I figured just stick with one format across the board - download/rip/purchase in 720p. That ratio/quality will fit basically everything

@Wes: Yeah I wouldn't jump to any conclusions since Best Buy has hundreds of products at the $99.99 price point. I have an older Apple TV and I don't use it too much, but the new AirPlay functionality in the new one seems pretty useful (I use a mac at home, though).

@a3d3g2c2: So I got the 4GB xbox cause I'm with you - I like the matte more and figured I really only use it for games and netflix. If you're a halo fan, unfortunately adding a USB hard drive will still not allow you to play firefight matchmaking games. I don't regret not getting the larger version, but this still

First things first - what happened to the search field?!?!?

@Tim_Ferriss: This is very helpful, but I have one more suggestion. Could you come back for another Q&A session in about a month or two so I (and others) can read your book? I feel like I'm asking questions that are already answered in your book!
